Q: How often do you update the app?

A: It depends. If a serious defect (bad data, missing data, etc) is found, a fix is quickly implemented and pushed out to the Google Play Store. This type of issue is typically resolved in a matter of days, if not hours. If the defect is cosmetic, then less emphasis is put on getting a new release out. Cosmetic issues are typically resolved with a week of discovery.

Of course, vacations, work, and family events, such as baseball, may impact how quickly updates are released.

Q: Season statistics were free in 2018, and now they are only available in the paid version for 2019. Why?

A: Season stats were only available in the free app in 2018 if the user sent an email request for a special code to access that data. The requesting email stated:

"I understand that eventually the code will expire, and I will need to purchase the paid app in order to have full access to all the features of the app. Those features would include access to season statistics."

Q: Can I access the raw data?

A1: Yes. With the paid version, you can email yourself the raw data files for each pitcher you select.

A2: If you do not own the paid version, you can still access the data, but it might be a bit tricky if you are not comfortable navigating around the file system on your device. Send email to supcosoftwaresolutions@gmail.com for further instructions.

A3: There is not a way to modify old data within the app, however, it can be done. Again, you'll need to be comfortable with navigating around the file system on your device. If there is a huge demand for this type of thing, this might be addressed here on the website. But for now, please send and email to supcosoftwaresolutions@gmail.com for further instructions.

Q: This FAQ is rather sparse. Will it be improved?

A: Yes! As questions come in, this FAQ will be updated to answer common questions that others might have.

Q: What changes/additions do you envision for Pitching Counter/ Stats Tracker apps?

A: That's a tough one. Right now, it feels like the app does a lot, and covers the interest of most users. Therefore, there are no current plans to make any large changes in the immediate future. If bugs are reported, they will of course receive immediate attention!

Several concepts have been proposed that are being mulled over, such as:

    • Record where in the field a ball was hit, and then be able to display a spray chart of where balls are being hit.

    • Implement a sliding window into the stats - rather than looking at the full season, display only the last 3 games, or last 10 days, or other subset of the season. This concept is intriguing, as it is easy to see why this would be useful. The good news is that the data is already being captured, so adding this feature in the future can be retroactive.

    • Provide ability to share batter data between devices - several hours were spent trying to get this working, however, due to time restrictions, this effort is not yet realized.

    • Provide ability to edit recorded data - the Undo button is great, but sometimes changes need to be made to something older. If you're comfortable editing raw text files on the device, then this can be done already. However, those files are not forgiving, and adding/removing a space or colon could corrupt your entire file!

    • Provide a tutorial within the app - this needs investigation. Doing this might cause the app size to grow too much. The current thought is that an online tutorial, on this site, might be the better approach.

    • Support IOS.

Q: What other apps have you written?

A: Glad you asked!

  • Pitching Counter/ Stats Tracker is a companion app to this Batting Counter app. The Pitching Counter app will track several statistics related to pitching. 41 statistics are kept related to pitchers. Data is tracked for every single pitch.

    • It was suggested that the Pitching Counter and Batting Counter be combined into a single application. Several dozen hours were spent attempting to do this, but this became extremely cumbersome. In addition, there were several comments from users that ONLY cared about one or the other. And so in the end it was decided to keep the two applications separate.

  • Score Keeper (Fancy) Well, Google decided that this app was too similar to Score Keeper Multiplayer, and so they forced me to remove it. They're not similar. They're not remotely similar, other than they let you track a score. But functionally, they are completely different. Sigh. Anyway, this app is no longer available on the Google Play Store. I am willing to give it away if you're interested.

    This app is a simple score keeper, intended to track the scores of a game between two teams, or individuals. Scoring is done on a point by point basis. This app is great for tracking baseball or softball scores!! But it is also good for lacrosse, ultimate frisbee, raquetball, pickleball, handball, and other such games. This app would NOT be good for tracking an American football game, as points are in increments of 1, 2, 3, and 6. A history is kept, within the app, of the scores and timestamps. The app is highly flexible in terms of what labels are assigned to each team's button, and the colors of each button.

  • Score Keeper Multiplayer allows the user to keep track the score of several players. Scores can be set to be incremented by 1, or any number that you choose! This app is great for tracking card game scores, scrabble scores, and other such board games. This app is the least mature, and is still being fleshed out.