
Dec 26, 2019

Released Batting Counter / Stats Tracker Pro version 1.1.0 and free version 2.1.0:

  • Due to user feedback, the main screen was adjusted to be more intuitive. The New Game button will now be enabled if any teams have been created/imported. Once a user selects New Game, the app will ask which team the user wants to use, and then will ask for the lineup.

Aug 8, 2019

Released Batting Counter / Stats Tracker Pro version 1.0.4 and free version 2.03:

  • Fixed an issue with QAB% when looking at team summary stats .

March 31, 2019

Released Batting Counter / Stats Tracker Pro version 1.0.2:

  • Fixed an issue with emailing files. This does not affect the Free version.

February 4, 2019

Released Batting Counter / Stats Tracker Pro version 1.0.1 and free version 2.0.1:

  • Due to user feedback, the deletion code was modified to remove individual batter files when a team is deleted. Import and Export functionality was modified to handle this; and automatic migration from the old format to the new format was added to both paid and free versions.
  • Added ability to resume game on any team that has existing games data. This functionality was only possible with the addition of teams folders per the change above. Note that this will not allow you to resume games before Feb 4th 2019, since those data files are not entirely compatible. But all games going forward after this release will be resumable even if another game for another team has been scored after.
  • Modified Export feature to use team names, rather than individual batters.
  • Pro version only: Modified Import feature to use team names, rather than individual batters.

January 18, 2019

Released Batting Counter / Stats Tracker Pro version 1.0.0:

Pro version supports season statistics. Free version only supports game statistics. All data is saved in the free version however, so you can upgrade and continue to keep your data.

These changes are available for the PAID version of the app, and also in the free version where noted:

  • Added email ability for batter stats comparison + batter data files
  • Added ability to Export files to a common directory that can be read by any app - added in free and paid versions
  • Added ability to Import files from common directory - this allows for importing data from the free version into the paid version
  • Added ability to track more batters
  • Added Catcher's Interference
  • Added Sacrifice Bunt and Sacrifice Fly
  • Adjusted QAB stats to account for sac bunt and sac fly
  • Fixed data issue with Bunts for season totals
  • Fixed data issue with Undo functionality related to Bunts

Released Batting Counter / Stats Tracker version 2.0.0:

  • Added ability to Export files to a common directory that can be read by any app
    • NOTE: If you used the Batting Counter app in 2018 and are planing on using the Pro version in 2019, do NOT uninstall just yet! Rather, update to the latest release, then export all your 2018 data, then in the Pro version, import that same data into the Pro app.
  • Added Catcher's Interference
  • Added Sacrifice Bunt and Sacrifice Fly
  • Adjusted QAB stats to account for sac bunt and sac fly
  • Fixed data issue with Bunts for season totals
  • Fixed data issue with Undo functionality related to Bunts