Bus Trips

Upcoming Public Holidays

Mon 25th Sep  King's B'day

Mon 25th Dec  Christmas Day

Tue 26th Dec   Boxing Day

Thursday fortnightly

Cost varies according to destination. The standard trip is $10 per person. 50km or further is $15. Departure time is 9 am or 9:30 am again, depending on destination, and returns at approximately 2:30 pm.

Morning tea is provided, and you pay for your own lunch.

The current bus holds 10 people, if the list is full add your name to the reserve list, should there be a cancellation you will be contacted to see if you would like to go. Priority is given to Bassendean 55Plus members.

Please note that in the future, those people on the wait list will be given priority for the next bus trip. This will give everyone an opportunity to go. Carers will need to make their own way to the destination at their own expense. 


see our notice board at 50 Old Perth Road for Destinations.