
BASIC Anywhere Machine is a standalone browser-based "quine" for BASIC programming.

BASIC Anywhere Machine (BAM) is a fully self-contained, single-file, zero-install environment for BASIC programming in a web browser, equally at home offline and online.

BAM, a TiddlyWiki, hosts a modified version of wwwBASIC (the result of a Google open source project to create a BASIC interpreter in javascript), a CodeMirror-enhanced IDE, BASIC programs (BASIC programs are stored in the wiki), and various tools including many ways of exporting BASIC programs for sharing and for running on the web or locally.

As a TiddlyWiki, BAM has all of the benefits inherent to TiddlyWiki: future proof, adaptable, expandable (via plugins), ridiculously easy to customize, and extremely good at capturing, organising and sharing content (BASIC programs and anything imaginable.)  Your copy of BAM and your programs of today, all in one file, should all still work fifteen years from now because BAM is using standards-compliant HTML, CSS, and javascript.

Store BAM anywhere: SD card, USB Thumbdrive, local drive, network drive, hosted file storage service.

Create straight-up BASIC programs.  Create programs that are dynamically altered by TiddlyWiki just before execution.  Create programs designed to interact with TiddlyWiki widgets and content during execution.