Let's Create A Feminist Utopia

Let's Create a Feminist Utopia in Ohio

Content Warning: r*pe, discussion on sexual assault

Deep-rooted traditions have resulted in repressive societal aspects for women. Women’s liberation is more than a ballot in the box every four years or so. We need an Equal Rights Amendment in the Ohio Constitution that guarantees equal pay, healthcare, and paid leave.

On average, women get paid $0.78 for every dollar a man will make, and women of colour make even less. In the United States, one in three women have or will be subject to physical violence by a partner within their lifetime. Sexual violence, which includes sexual assault, rape, and sexual abuse is prevalent in American society. Almost half of female victims will be raped by a partner. Sixty percent of sexual assaults will not be reported out of fear of retaliation, victim blaming, or fear of police. It is the power of women fighting in a collective mass struggle that have and will continue to propel the women's movement forward and fight the ever-consuming system of capitalism. You are never alone and it is NEVER your fault!

Many who identify themselves as feminists seem to believe that progress made by on individual woman, particularly a wealthy white woman, That can't be farther from the truth. Wealth does NOT trickle down nor does societal power. Dismantling oppression just doesn't work that way. Bare minimalist performative allyship just doesn't cut it. A few token members if an oppressed group being allowed into the halls of power will not liberate the rest. Idolizing women like Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, or Condoleezza Rice will not liberate women. They are a symptom of the disease that is capitalism, imperialism, and tokenization and revolution is the only cure.

We must stand for women's liberation like our lives depend on it because they do.

Women, especially working class women in the United States are facing tremendous attack: the denial of reproductive rights, of abortion rights, the Supreme Court ruling saying that a corporation can deny women contraceptives or healthcare because of their religious beliefs. It all comes down to the fact corporations have rights over women's and worker's lives. Healthcare must be a right for all women, including full coverage for transgender women. It must be free. There must be preventive healthcare regardless of citizenship.

We also need socialism that says women have and deserve equal rights. We've seen this accomplished in many socialist nations, such as Cuba who has 50%+ female parliament. Women MUST have their rights written down and guaranteed in the Constitution of Ohio. As an elected State Representative, I will fight hard to ensure the passing of an Equal Rights Amendment.

The Democrats and Republicans will not give us our rights. We have to fight for them, as we've done before, and expand those rights to have true equality in Ohio.