Green Plan for Education

We have had a generation of student that have been failed by disastrous policies towards education and education finance.

We must provide free college tuition to all qualified students at public universities. It's time to forgive all student and parent loans taken out to finance post-secondary. We have the money. It's about priorities. Legalizing marijuana will also add millions to education.

We must advocate to oppose the administration of public schools by private, for-profit entities, increase funding for after-school and daycare programs, and promote a diverse set of educational opportunities, including bilingual education, continuing education, job retraining, distance learning, mentoring and apprenticeship programs.

As you all may know, one of my biggest platform points is the rights to farmers. I believe we can tie in education reform with farming. We can provide healthy school meals that are rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber, and offer plant-based vegetarian options and support Farm-to-School programs that provide food from local family farms and educational opportunities. Ohio us a farm-friendly state and I believe that these two can go hand-and-hand.

You can view the entire Green Party platform for education here.