
Buffalo Grove Instrumental Association - BGIA

The BGIA is made up of all parents/guardians of all current students participating in instrumental music at Buffalo Grove High School.

Its purpose is to promote the education of students at Buffalo Grove High School in the field of Instrumental Music and to aid the Instrumental Music Program of Buffalo Grove High School by encouraging and maintaining an interest in it, supporting it both morally and financially.

Email the BGIA (bgiaatbghs@gmail.com)

2022-2023 BGIA Board

Colleen Wytmar, Lucy Block, Co-Presidents

Janna Witt, Vice-President

Jeff Watson, Treasurer

Beth Williams, Secretary

Stephanie Gleason, Kelly Eidson, Andrea Rauch, Mike Yourg, Emily Morrison: Board Members

2021-2022 BGIA Board

Mike Cortopassi, Colleen Wytmar, Co-Presidents

Janna Witt, Vice-President

Holly Ragland, Jeff Watson, Co-Treasurers

Beth Williams, Secretary

Stephanie Gleason, Kelly Eidson, Andrea Rauch, Mike Yourg, Emily Morrison: Board Members

2020-2021 BGIA Board

Mike Cortopassi, Sarah Ernst, Co-Presidents

Colleen Wytmar, Vice-President

Holly Ragland, Treasurer

Amy Hoffman, Secretary

Stephanie Gleason, Janna Witt, Jeff Watson: Board Members