Local History Photos

This Gallery page is Local Photos, see also: Local art, Local videos and Local Poetry

A collection of photos from the public Abcestry.co.uk site that refer to eople born ow who lived in Bainton

People who were born or lived in Bainton from Ancestry.pdf

Historic People of Bainton & Ashton


Beever House, Tallington road, Bainton, around 1900

This is the landlord of the Blue boar around 1900.

Wedding photo taken outside Chris Agnew's house on 15th October 1901. Amy Mann married Henry Newborn.

1894/5. 1st left is Priscilla Mann, teaching assistant. She is also last on right in wedding photo,sitting next to husband John, blue boar landlord.

Blue Boar Inn around 1900

About 1900

Post Office Chrurch Lane 1883

Albert Snowball and Mrs Grooby in Ashton

Albert Snowball and Mrs Grooby, Ashton

Albert Snowball as a Fireman during the war

Albert Snowball with fire team

Norman DePear

Renie Sumpter's Mother

Schoolchildren at Bainton Buttercross Date unknown

Does anyone know the occasion? or date?

The Wedding of Florence Gale and Leonard Culpin

Photo taken in Church Lane anoyt 1902 -1904

For further details click herefor  the letter from David Gale

Renie Sumpter, age 2

Renie Sumpter, age 80+ standing on the very same doorstep

Renie Sumpter and school friends in School Playground

Renie Sumpter again in school Playground 70 years later

Children on Buttercross

Ladies Cricket B team 1981

Berry Cottage Ashton

The Agnews turkey farm

Albert and Doris Snowball

Andrew and ?

Mr Milner and Mr Ward

Bob Ward

Doris and Albert Snowball

Bainton and Ashton Elders. 2000

Mr Ibbitson, of Poyle, Founder of Dol `Toi dolls furniture maker in Stamford. A relative of Mr Snowball

? , Mary Birkbeck & Sheila Bratley

Doris Snowball

Albert Snowball

Norman DePear

Gale family?

In Mr Wards farm

Bob Ward and his  farther

Something to do with Bob Ward

Bainton House

? don't know

Historic Places in Bainton & Ashton:

Bainton 1970s

Looking West towards the Blue Boar 1920

Bainton Terrace Tallington Road 1920 -1920 

Corner near Gatekeepers Cottage Bainton


Next to Reading Room, no longer there.

Cottage in Ashton where Mr Snowball was brought up. Stood where Highfield House and Pennyfarthing are now

Church Lane, 21 ( Why 21?)

Church from Ufford Road

Transporting a Belfast Barn Beam

Bainton Farm 1920

Church Lane

1950s Blue Boar


Helpston Road looking West to Blue Boar 1920

Bainton School 1986

Jim Whitelock ourside Langham Cottage Forge (Forge no longer there)

Bainton Crossing

Buttercross and Church

More recent photos

2023 Coronation weekend

Norman DePear & ? & ?

Village sign unvailing

Village sign unvailing

Village sign unvailing

Village Elders in 2000

VE day celebration

VE Day celebration

Bainton Family Day... the famous egg and spoon race

The even more famous 'catch the water balloon' game

More VE Day celebrations

Bainton & Ashton in the news

In Stamford Mercury

In Stamford Mercury

In Stamford Mercury

Bainton archive documents

Bainton Jubilee celibrations in Badinton Lane

2012 Queens Jubilee