
General Information

The conference will take place virtually on Microsoft Teams, from Wednesday 20th April to Friday 22nd April. All times listed on the schedule are in BST.

You do not need a Microsoft account to access Teams. If you are unfamiliar with Teams, you will be able to attend a test session in advance of the conference - date TBC.

All delegates must be a member of BAFTSS at the time of the conference.

Information for Speakers

In the spirit of the conference theme, the conference places emphasis on discussion and debate rather than a traditional paper/questions format. Each panellist will present for 10 minutes on the day of the panel, with the other panellists acting as respondents, generating questions and comments.

Before the conference: One week before the conference, panellists will share material with one another. This can be as simple as sharing some slides or rough notes - you are not expected to write a whole polished paper! You will be asked to read one another's materials in advance of the panel in order to act as a respondent.

Presentations: Please join your session five-ten minutes in advance of the scheduled start time, in order to test out the technology and any visual material e.g. presentation slides.

If you are not familiar with Teams and you plan to share audiovisual material e.g. a clip, please familiarise yourself with the instructions here. There are a couple of extra steps for Mac users. Teams can be glitchy and laggy when sharing audiovisual material - we strongly recommend that if you want to show a clip, you also include a link to the clip for people to watch individually online (e.g. YouTube or Vimeo).

Discussion: Discussion will begin with members of the panel responding to one another's papers, before opening out to questions and discussion from the audience. This is to encourage more constructive discussion and engagement, and to preserve the conference as a space for works in progress.

Information for Delegates

The links to the sessions will be available on the schedule page in due course.

Teams etiquette:

  • Please keep your microphone muted at all times, unless you are asking a question.

  • To ask a question, please either raise your hand using the "raise hand" feature, or post a question in the chat.

  • In lieu of physical applause, we strongly encourage you to use the "applause" emoji feature or to comment in the chat after papers are delivered.

  • We encourage you to turn on your cameras during discussion!