
The 10th annual BAFTSS conference will take place entirely online on the 20th–22nd April 2022, hosted by the University of St Andrews.

In the past eighteen months, many of us have experienced isolation both professionally and personally due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Caught between the anxiety of close contact and the loneliness of isolation, the pandemic has brought the complex relationship between the individual and the community to the forefront of our lives.

This conference takes as its theme “Collaboration and Cross-pollination.” As we re-imagine how we work together and gather as a community post-COVID, the conference foregrounds processes of exchange, circulation, and recombination across the fields of Film, Television and Screen Studies. We encourage participants to shift their thinking from the individual to the community, and to engage with conceptual play around the ecological metaphor of cross-pollination (or the sharing and interchange of ideas), in order to reflect on how this process can shape our work as researchers, collaborators, and mentors.

Topics might include:

  • Collaboration/cross-pollination in the academy: as methodology, as practice, as scholarship, as engagement

  • Collaboration/cross-pollination through creative practice research

  • The politics of collaboration in film, television, and screen media: questions of power, labour, visibility, inclusivity, equality, and value

  • Examining film, television, and screen media through cross-pollination: mutation, reproduction, recombination, hybridity, integration, sharing, gifting, contagion, virality, contingency

  • Textual cross-pollination in film, television, and screen media: remixes, intertextuality, experimental media, remakes and reboots, adaptations

  • Film, television, and screen geographies of collaboration/cross-pollination: global production practices, co-productions, distribution circuits, festivals, exhibition

  • Film, television, and screen networks of collaboration/cross-pollination: practitioners, audiences and fandom, collectives, activist groups, societies

  • Histories of collaboration/cross-pollination in film, television, and screen media: archives and institutions

  • Ecologies of collaboration/cross-pollination in film, television, and screen media

  • Collaboration/cross-pollination between film, television and screen studies and other disciplines

  • Collaboration/cross-pollination across and between media forms

The call for papers is now closed.