
Analysis: Flóra Borsi

"Animeyed" project

"Detouching" project, also known as 'Models into Monsters'

"Siamese" project

The artist, Flóra Borsi, has had many different projects which relate to the idea of 'Distortion'. I have picked these three projects to analyse from her because they are vastly different from each other, and i personally think capture the idea of distortion well.

Borsi's "Animeyed" project focuses on the feminine form, and how she uses the animals to  hide/reveal the eyes or face to emphasize this by, questioning the relationship between body and self- whilst giving female representation, by doing so. The artist uses herself as the subject, and edits an animal that matches her makeup onto a half of her face. I personally think the project is a beautiful representation of how similar us humans are to animals, even if that was not the intended meaning of her images. The paleness of Borsi's skin  provides contrast with the black swan, whilst with the white swan it gives the  impression of illness. (HAVENT FINISHED!!)

Another project Borsi did was called the "Detouching" project. Borsi was sick of all the perfect models in newspapers and in society, and instead wanted to turn them in Monsters. 

My Photo shoot: