
It has been a while since I wanted to develop and propose Performance Art workshops. Rich in all my experience in acting, dancing, directing and running workshops, I feel this strong appeal to share what all these practices have been bringing into my life.

Performing - even in an amateur and relaxed way -  is a good way to strengthen your self-confidence, self-esteem, self-expression and self-creativity. 

Through exercises, games, voice, movement, music or in silence, solo or group, in a safe and respectful environment, you will build strong relations with the other participants, explore your inside imagination and creativity, and go over your own limitations to find your words, your voice, your way to be and express yourself. This might be challenging, but this will be joyful and a welcome release. That will improve your daily life.  

Trust yourself to be who you are! And mostly, let's enjoy!! 

... before you attend any of those workshops, 

if you want to find out more about my artistic journey, visit my Performance Artist Website.

"Let the risk be the clarity". René Char

We are going to propose different formats and contents for the workshops. A few hours, half a day or on a weekend. Purely movement and dance, or mixing dance and theatre (voice, words, speak). As well as improvisation, intuitive writing, breathing exercises, Qi Qong-based movements...  Let's see what comes along with the seasonal inspiration, for our well-being. 

To know more about the coming events/proposition, follow us on Facebook and WhatsApp.

Already existing...


an outdoor participative dance workshop, for all ages. No previous experience or levels are required. Just come with your free soul, follow the rhythm, the music and the guidance. And enjoy!

When: Every fortnight?? 

Where: Harbour, The Stade, the Pier, Alexander Park... plenty of great locations can become a dance floor

What (you need): trainers, warm/waterproof clothes according to the forecast. Drink.

How to find us: WhatsApp group  & Facebook Page

Inspiration: DanceWith-TheTrailer  + DanceWith-WebPage