
Reiki is Japanese healing energy and relaxation technique that promotes the body’s natural healing processes restoring both physical and emotional well-being.

The Reiki practitioner channels the earth's natural energy directly to the client by means of touch, whilst the client is fully clothed. The client is treated as a whole rather than specific areas. Reiki can also be done at distance; there are no borders for the Reiki energy to be stopped! 

Many good reasons to get Reiki: 

Stress and anxiety released, deep relaxation, inner peace / Balance and strengthening of the energy centre / Unblock energy, raise our vibration frequency / Emotional balancing / Support of the body’s natural ability to heal itself / Transmute aches, pains, and illnesses / … 

Reiki is a powerful energy that will heal what needs to be healed in your body, your energetic aura and your soul

What to expect

* One-to-one, in person, fully clothed you lie on a massage table, clothe your eyes, and let it go. Hands-on or off according to what I feel needs to be done and what you choose (to be touched or not, I respect your choice)

* Distanced = just as in-person treatment. We start the session with a short exchange on the phone, you make yourself comfortable, relax and let it go!

>> In both cases, in-person Reiki or distance Reiki use the same energy of the same quality!

A single session may be sufficient, although long-standing emotional or spiritual issues may take a little longer, we can discuss this at the end of the session.

All information about locations and prices... 

If you want to know more, if you wonder if Reiki is for you, just get in touch... or visit our page with locations and prices


I found my Reiki sessions with Lise to be extremely beneficial to my physical and emotional well-being. Lise is a gentle and sensitive practitioner who put me completely at ease and was clear and kind at all times. Her manner allowed me to be truly open and vulnerable and dig deep into what my mind and body - and energy - really needed to focus on. Lise helped me to shift and feel, to be more in touch with myself, to unblock and explore and more than anything, to feel more comfortable again in my body. 


I felt Lise was able to really hold me, without holding me. I think Lise is really gifted in that respect… she is really attuned to people… At no point, did I think “this is too much”; she generously gave and receive and I felt she was totally able to hold back so I didn’t need to feel worried about you. I find it hard to be held by people so that was really lovely…


I was fortunate to be offered sessions by Lise as she developed her Reiki practice and have experienced her go from strength to strength. 

Lise is a warm, intuitive and gifted healer. I wholly recommend that you discover this for yourself 🙏??☯️


UK Reiki Federation Member