MMT Intro

Original website for: Advanced Macro I and II - This website creates a standalone course on Advanced Macro 1, base on textbook: Modern Monetary Theory and Practice:An Introductory Text by William Mitchell, L. Randall Wray and Martin Watts

For other courses, see: TEN COURSES - For the companion course on Advanced Micro, see: Adv Micro I.

Supplementary Lectures of FUNDAMENTAL importance for understanding monetary theory and policy: On the Vital Importance of understanding Global Financial Architechture Lecture 10: Vital Importance of Global Financial Architecture Part II Conceptually important material on Supply & Demand. Review of Basic Supply and Demand Model

21st Century Macroeconomics — Collections of un-assorted related materials on Macro (to be organized in this website

Advance Micro: Islamic Approach — Lectures at PIDE -- overlaps with Macro S&D and Polanyi

A History of MMT by L Randall Wray — Fascinating account of emergence of MMT from Keynes & Minsky and others

MEGA Folder: My Personal Collection of Books — There are many folders with many books and papers, very loosely organized

Modern Monetary Theory — First edition of MMT Text by Wray, Mitchell, Watts - this was the text ACTUALLY used for lectures above.

Wray, Mitchell, Watts - Macroeconomics — Rwevised/Updated Version of Textbook (actual textbook used in course was an earlier version