
I have received DICOM data from an external partner. After importing the files, the DICOM browser lists a lot of series, but they all look exactly the same in the series list. I can only distinguish them by opening the metadata window and looking at the file path. (The patient info is the same, and the study info only differs by the StudyTime, which contains an uninterpretable value, probably filled in by anonymization software.)

Usually a DICOM series is stored in hundreds of files, with random file names, often spread across in several directories, so they are not a good indication of content. For the rare occasion when filenames are useful, you have the metadata browser.

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As for the new nightly, the message you get is not from SlicerRT, but from another DICOM plugin, which suggests that SlicerRT is not properly installed, or maybe there are some other issues related to the DICOM plugins. Can you load dose volumes correctly? (meaning that it appears with a rainbow color palette, and is shown as dose volume in subject hierarchy)

If RTSS is loaded correctly, then SlicerRT is correctly deployed indeed. Unfortunately without at least one RTIMAGE file I cannot find out why it fails to load. Can you share the log after the failed load? You can find it in the menu Help / Report a bug.

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I have set up a Welcome Series and it is good to go live. When I set this as live, will this automatically send to the 30 customers that have already subscribed (I assume no because the sign up needs to trigger the flow)? If not, is there an easy way for me to manually send my welcome series to this list of 30 customers that have already subscribed? Or, do I have to copy the welcome series into a campaign and send to these 30 existing customers?

Building off of the great suggestion @Manny Singh had already mentioned, your original assumption is correct! Switching your emails from either Draft or Manual to Live will not automatically send your emails to those contacts who were already subscribers of the list triggering your welcome series flow. Flows will only begin queuing up users and serving to them since they have been turned Live. You can learn more about how contacts move through a flow through the How Contacts Move through a Flow article.

The suggestion that Manny had mentioned of utilizing the backpopulate function to retroactively serve your flow emails to customers who may have been qualified for the flow prior to the flow being switched Live would be the best recommended solution in this case.

Thank you both so much! This is a huge help. My website is www.willardrd.com ! It will be going live in the next few weeks :) I have set up the abandoned cart flow as well, and will likely get a few other flows set up.

Thanks for going the extra mile for your fellow members of the Community by giving a step-by-step walkthrough and attaching screenshots of how to accomplish this Back-populating option! It makes me so happy to see our users sharing their product knowledge for the benefit of theirs peers. Really appreciate it!

Just for clarification, you don't want Welcome Series contacts to receive the promotional emails at all until they've completed the Welcome Series or you just don't want them to receive them at the exact same time they might receive one of the Welcome Series emails? I'm assuming it's the former, but please correct me.

You could utilize click segmentation in the last email in the series by setting up a trigger, like a button, that when they click on it, it automatically puts them on the assigned list (in this case it would be the Main Email Subscriber list). Of course, if they don't click on the button, then they would stay where they are.

There is not currently a feature where the contacts would automatically transition from a welcome series list into another list, but we are tracking feedback for this feature and I'll add your account to the chorus.

I suppose you could also create a tag for any contact that joins the Welcome Series list, that are also on the main email list, and when you go to schedule your normal promotional emails, you could exclude by tag. But you'd still have to remember to remove the tag or from the Welcome Series list when they're done with it. If I think of any other fancy workarounds, I'll follow up!

I need to take a series that looks like the following where the rows are labelled A-D and the column I am interested in is called vals and consists of a list of integer values of varying length (but will never be null):

Congress and executive agencies have made substantial progress addressing high-risk issues since the previous High-Risk List update in 2021. Sixteen of 34 high-risk areas improved since 2021. This is the most progress in the 8 years since GAO started rating high-risk areas. Two of the 16 areas are being removed from the list: Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) Insurance Programs and the 2020 Decennial Census. Since our last update, there were approximately $100 billion in financial benefits due to improvements in high-risk areas.

The PBGC Insurance Programs area is being removed because Congress provided funding to troubled multiemployer pension plans, which has led to an improved financial position for the PBGC multiemployer insurance program. Additionally, the financial position of the PBGC single-employer insurance program has improved gradually in recent years. PBGC now projects a very low risk of insolvency over the next 15 years for both programs. GAO will continue to monitor the funds.

GAO is adding one new area to the 2023 High-Risk List: Strengthening Management of the Federal Prison System. This area is being added, in part, due to Bureau of Prisons' (BOP) longstanding challenges managing staff and resources, and planning and evaluating programs that help incarcerated people have a successful return to the community.

This biennial update describes the status of high-risk areas, outlines actions that are needed to assure further progress, and identifies new high-risk areas needing attention by the executive branch and Congress.

Lasting solutions to high-risk problems save billions of dollars, improve service to the public, and strengthen government performance and accountability. In the past 17 years, financial benefits totaled $675 billion.

Executive branch agencies need to address hundreds of open GAO recommendations to bring about lasting solutions to the 37 remaining high-risk areas. Continued congressional oversight is essential to achieve greater progress and legislation is needed in some cases.

Intel Celeron ProcessorsThe Intel Celeron processor naming convention includes two different formats. Some Intel Celeron processors may have one of the following: a four-digit number, a prefix, or a suffix.

Overall processor ratings are based on general suitability. Processor family ratings are based on the highest-performing options within the processor family; please compare the individual processor series to determine which will best suit your needs.

Our first journals launched in 2000 as some of the very first open access journals in their fields. Now they, and the journals we have launched in the years since, are some of the largest and most cited open access publications in their respective disciplines.

Most of the journals in the BMC Series focus on a subject or discipline, such as BMC Plant Biology or BMC Public Health. The full list of the subject journals currently in the series can be found below. Each journal has a professional Editor who is the main point of contact and has overall editorial responsibility for the journal, working closely with a group of senior academics, the Senior Editorial Board Members, and the Editorial Board.

Journals in the BMC Series focus on the needs of the global research community by publishing work on the basis of its technical quality and adherence to community-agreed standards. Studies must be scientifically valid; for research articles this includes a scientifically sound research question, the use of suitable methods and analysis, and following community-agreed standards relevant to the research field. Specific criteria for other article types can be found in the submission guidelines.

BMC Biology, BMC Global and Public Health and BMC Medicine are selective journals, publishing articles of special importance and broad interest. Their editorial threshold and structure are different from the other journals in the series. The Chief Editor for each journal has overall responsibility for the journal.

BMC Research Notes is an open access journal publishing peer-reviewed contributions from across all scientific and clinical disciplines, including intriguing initial observations, updates to previous work and established methods, valid negative results, and scientific data sets and descriptions. Overseen by a professional Editor, the journal is committed to making it easier to find, cite and share your short reports by providing an inclusive forum for valuable data and research observations.

BMC Genomic Data is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that welcomes submissions that describe genomic and genetic research data, report new analyses of genomic data and introduce community databases.

BMC Proceedings publishes proceedings of conferences, including peer-reviewed full-length articles, collections of meeting abstracts and meeting reports across all scientific and clinical disciplines. Each collection is published as a supplement and is handled by a Supplement Editor, in line with the standards required for the BMC Series. Oversight for the journal is provided by a professional Editor.

Each of the subject-specific journals in the BMC Series has a professional Editor employed by BMC. The Editors all have scientific backgrounds, most with PhD and post-doc experience. To find the Editor of a journal, please see the journal homepage. 152ee80cbc

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