As I was watching students enter the building this morning, it brought back a flood of memories. For a moment it seemed as though time had rolled back, and I could see myself as a student your age, entering this very building.

However, in my case, the reason I most often entered this building was to work the midnight cleanup shift here at the Marriott Activities Center. If you look around, you will see the very places I walked with broom and mop, tidying up after devotionals, basketball games, and special events. So for those of you who might be tempted to litter while you are here, please keep in mind that I will be watching.

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It has been my experience that when a property owner discovers that the interested party is the Church, the price often goes up. To put this in perspective, the owner of the second property across the street responded with a price that was more than four times the price we offered.

Shortly after we filed the paperwork, the city of Philadelphia, through a city-controlled agency, filed a legal claim that stopped the transaction. They wanted to take title to the property themselves. This was a very serious matter. We did everything we could to meet with the agency and remove the claim. We were unsuccessful. This was a real problem and was very discouraging. We had felt so good about the property. We believed that this was the place where the Lord wanted His temple to be built.

With a heavy heart I flew to Philadelphia with the Church temple architect. There we were joined by an Area Seventy and two local Church members. One of these members was someone you may have heard of. He, too, attended this university. In fact, he played on the BYU football team and eventually ended up playing professional football for the Philadelphia Eagles.

After a moment the Church architect stood and showed the mayor a few drawings of what a temple might look like. It was clear that in those few minutes something had changed. In reality, everything had changed.

As he spoke, you could feel the Spirit come into the meeting. It was a sacred moment. What was to have been a thirty-minute meeting lasted for the better part of an hour and a half. Oh, how different things were after that sublime moment!

To my surprise, at the end of this public meeting the mayor turned and asked if I would offer a prayer in that setting. His heart had changed. The temple would go forward. It would be built on the selected site.

Now brothers and sisters, I have a special blessing for us today that is not always possible. I would like you to meet Brother Vai Sikahema, who is with us this morning. He is not just a football player and he is not just a stake president. He is an instrument in the hands of the Lord.

My beloved brothers and sisters, God used Brother Sikahema. He will use you. If you give your hearts to Him and strive to walk in faith and compassion on the path the Savior commanded, He will use you. He will use you in ways you cannot now imagine.

In 2006 President Hinckley and the First Presidency determined that there should be a temple considered for San Salvador in El Salvador. This was due to many reasons, not the least of which was that our beloved Church members who were traveling from El Salvador to the Guatemala City Temple were having difficulties in the travel, including armed robberies.

We spent many days searching for appropriate temple sites, but none seemed right. I visited a number of properties, including a full city block (eight acres) located in the older central part of the city. As I drove from property to property, nothing seemed right.

Eventually I passed by an emerging area in the west part of the city. I felt something in that area and walked around a number of blocks. One property surrounded by a wall was of particular interest. I reached out to the owners through the real estate agent and received word that the property was not available. I returned home.

But the prophet had said a temple would be built in San Salvador, so I returned once again to look at other properties. None of them seemed right for the temple of God. Once again I found myself drawn to the property with the wall, and I made contact again. Once again they repeated that the property was unavailable. It was their historic ancestral homesite, and it was not for sale.

It was no surprise when they once again declined. But we had to make the attempt. And so for almost one hour we tried every avenue of approach, such as a straight outright purchase, an exchange of property, and every other option we could think of. But they were firm in their resolve and said no at every offer. Once again every door seemed closed.

At last it became evident that our trip had been in vain. It appeared that nothing would change their minds. As we began to prepare to leave, something happened. You could feel the Spirit of the Lord enter the room. It was tangible. Everyone in the room felt it.

We then talked about the other property. They owned several hundred acres across the main road from their ancestral home, with the heart of the property jutting out slightly so that every car that traveled this road would see the temple.

I testify that this beautiful temple graces the beautiful hills of El Salvador not as a result of anything Brother Fox or I said or did. That temple stands there today because of the unspeakable blessings and powerful ministerings of the Holy Spirit of our Almighty God.

My beloved young brothers and sisters, if the Lord cares enough to send His Spirit and make available a site for a temple, do you not suppose that He will send His Spirit and prepare your heart and guide your steps not only this day but throughout the rest of your life and for the remainder of eternity?

I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness.8

I raise my voice in praise of and witness to this truth. I testify with all the tenderness of my heart that I have seen the promised blessings of God fulfilled over and over and over again in my own life and in the lives of many others.

I promise you that if you will but incline your hearts to your Father in Heaven, if you will strive each day to love and follow Him more perfectly, if you will in compassion and kindness share the burdens and lift up the hands of those who are struggling around you, then the Lord God of heaven will direct your paths. He will use you for His sublime purposes. He will bless you in ways you cannot imagine.

How grateful I am to our merciful Father, who knows us, who loves us, and who desires that we become the magnificent beings of grace and light we were designed to become. I pray that you will capture this vision and know within your hearts that if you seek to become true disciples of our beloved Savior, the Lord will use you. He will bless you. Of this I bear solemn witness in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Two years ago, my husband and I were blessed to be married at the Judson Memorial Church, a progressive Protestant community in Manhattan, by a friend who is a Protestant minister. It was a small, Covid-era affair, with only the officiant and a witness present. Later that fall, we celebrated our commitment with a beautiful picnic for friends and family. Our trans friend gave an official blessing, and many of our church friends blessed us by attending.

I think back to our families. When Damian I were married, our parents and siblings celebrated and supported us. Although we were the ones who made the decision to build our lives together, they witnessed it all, and their encouragement continues to give us strength. We are so thankful they are part of our lives.

I tried out this new re bless/earn bless thing. First time went good, but the last two time when i wanted to sacrifice a weapon for a blessing i couldnt see the blessing when i wanted to rebless a weapon. It were 2, LVL 3 Headtaker blessing and one of them had a 12.5% power scaling its a waste for that. So i think something doesnt working well guys

I went back and checked the other blessings I thought I had lost, and they are there as well.

The gothca is that the blessing you earn by surrendering a weapon is only available to that particular weapon. At least with guns, which I have tested so far.

We want our customers to be 100% satisfied with their Bible purchases. In the event the product is damaged during delivery we will gladly replace your Bible with a new one.

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Are some of the pages in your Bibles sticking together? No worries, this is very common with new Bibles that have gold gilding around the edges of the paper. For your convenience, we have provided links to a Youtube video that does a wonderful job of explaining how to break your new Bible in.

No, is not political and has nothing to do with any political campaign. is not owned, managed or controlled by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, CIC Ventures LLC or any of their respective principals or affiliates.

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If bless is used without its second argument, the object is created in the current package. The second argument should always be supplied if a derived class might inherit a method executing bless. Because it is a potential source of bugs, one-argument bless is discouraged.

bless returns its first argument, the supplied reference, as the value of the function; since bless is commonly the last thing executed in constructors, this means that the reference to the object is returned as the constructor's value and allows the caller to immediately use this returned object in method calls. 152ee80cbc

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