Week Six: Meditation

Exercise Creating Loving Kindness

Actions, speech or thoughts which lead me towards kindness, compassion and benevolent love; I need to do more of these:

Empathy, Understanding, Reaching out, Acknowledgment, Listening, Speaking kind words

Actions, speech or thoughts which lead me away from kindness, compassion and benevolent love; I need to do less of these:

Judgment, Expectation, Comparing circumstances

Walking Meditation

The walking meditation was difficult in my experience. I felt like there were many distractions. But as I continued for a period of time it got easier. My first piece of advice would be give yourself enough time take your walk and don't put any expectation on the experience to be like a sitting meditation and observe anything you view as a distraction and try to let is go. Enjoy and accept the new experience.

The mantra I came upon was Beauty is always insight.

My Reasons for Practicing Mediation:

Meditation provides an opportunity to reset. Guided mediation pratice are available in abundance but in my growth toward meditating on my own using music us a great option. When I take the time to meditate my perspective is redshifted and reprioritize. I find taking a moment for gratitude or self love allows me to reframe any stories I've been telling myself and appreciate all the gifts in life.