Week Three: Eight Limbs of Yoga

Svadhyaya: Six-day exercise on self-study: Judge, Recognize, Adapt.

This self study exercise was an unexpected opportunity to reflect my inner dialogue and evaluate how it effects my decisions and outlook. It was a great opportunity to put the Yamas and Niyamas into practice.

Selected Eight Limbs of Yoga Questions:

Think of ways you currently live the yamas and the niyamas.

Living my Yamas and Niyamas is an ongoing process. I've lived by some more than others in different points of my life. I'd like to say I do practice ahimsa in the way I interact and communicate with people. However, like most of us, I'm constantly working on practicing the same compassion with myself.

Satya is something I do practice in my life, however maybe not to the fullest extent. I find if the truth may be viewed as critical I'm often concerned of it being misinterpreted as causing harm. But going back to the questions mention in the text book , Is it true, kind and necessary, provides a guide on how to practice Satya with confidence knowing your coming from a place of compassion.

The practice of Santosa in life has grown more and more through the years. I've practiced this mostly when difficult personal situations arise and have always went back to the readings where I first discovered it, Yoga Mind, Body and Spirt by Donna Farhi. It has always provided for me.

What can you do without?

This questions first brought of thoughts of minimalisms which is aspirational. There's quite alot of things I could probably do without. Otherwise I could most do with judging myself harshly. Although we are all our own worst critic, I need to remember honest critique is just as important as self love. And vocalizing both to yourself is important no matter how awkward it can sound saying it out loud.

Is there a tangible way to connect to the world around you?

Connecting with the outdoors is something I don't do as often as I'd like to but am slowly increasing in my life. And when I do, like the sentiment shared by the group, it really creates feelings of joy and gratitude. Also using technology to keep in contact and check on loved ones allows me to get outside of my own head and remind me to grateful for the people in my life.