UNREST ( Part 1 ) Fondazione Eplis-Milan, Italy 2021 



Part 1 - The Mural

‘Unrest’ deals with a state of confusion that arises from the re-evaluated belief and the identity of a certain archetypes. Unrest meets this archetype at the cusp of a transition that question the ideology that one has centred their identity around. 

Until now they have found the 

And comfort in the a collective ideology free from the burden of distinguishing themselves from the other. An organism that works for the benefit of a ‘greater good’.

The benefit of upholding the status quo is promise of a clear sight of the enemy. 

They find themselves at war, guarding a belief that they themselves are unsure of, and therefore introducing the war that is with themselves. 

‘Unrest’ is cyclic , transforming itself through emotions and finding itself in individuals. ‘Unrest is anxiety, through lack of clarity. A collapse of belief system giving a home to this feeling. When the conditions are right, ‘unrest’ is inevitable.

‘Unrest’ submits to its reflective nature. The feelings that it shares with the archetypes exploring the unknown. 

They mirror their differences to notice their similarities.

The archetypes each symbolise their world in turmoil. A upturned world in which they struggle to identify with.

Their political, historical and socio-economic background provide a psychological backdrop to the exploration of unrest.

The in-cohesive and unreliable narration is reflective of the internal struggle that the archetypes face within themselves.

Unrest is a archive of images; An archive that questions how’s its perceived and the emotional response that it has the power to invoke. The images dissipate the rigidity of their borders of belief and is swept away by the powers of ‘Unrest’.