Modelling coastal flood vulnerability

2015 - 2018

Team: Avidesh Seenath (PI)

Primary affiliation (where work completed): Department of Geography, University of the West Indies


This project has: (a) applied and compared coastal numerical models of varying complexity, identifying the best approach for simulating coastal flood vulnerability; (b) evaluated the role of bed friction on the spatial extent of flood inundation, flood velocities during storm surge events, and timings of flood inundation; and (c) assessed the impact of topographic and bathymetric data resolution on the accuracy of flood inundation predictions. These studies involved the development and application of coastal flood models using GIS-based approaches, remote sensing, and complex CFD codes, and are published in the journals of Applied Geography, Marine Geodesy, and Ocean & Coastal Management. The outcomes of these studies have both theoretical and practical implications for refining the applications of numerical models to better inform coastal flood risk management.
