Hands-On: The Future of Auto-Sklearn: A Modular AutoML Framework?


AutoML-Toolkit (AMLTK) is a new framework, designed to facilitate AutoML. It provides an extensive toolbox of components for building AutoML systems, including a declarative syntax to define pipelines and their search spaces, a suite of utilities and a common interface to HPO optimizers, and with the same code, scale from a simple notebook to a whole compute cluster. The AutoML-Toolkit was designed based on the experience of maintaining Auto-sklearn and Auto-PyTorch and studying the design of other AutoML systems.

The first part of the tutorial will be a short talk covering the motivation and core components of AutoML-Toolkit. Following this will be a hands-on-session where you will use AMLTK to:

This will allow you to build your own AutoML system from scratch with minimal overhead.


Eddie Bergman has been a Research Engineer at the Machine Learning Lab at the University of Freiburg since 2021 with a focus on AutoML systems. His work includes research into HPO but also practical software development, maintaining AutoSklearn and other widely adopted tools produced from the group. He is driven by the utility AutoML can deliever and is passionate to develop useful, robust and quality tools for both practitioners and researchers.