3rd AutoML
Fall School 2023

Date: November 27th - 30th 2023 Place: Munich, Germany


By increasing the efficiency of ML-application development and supporting users in crucial design decisions, AutoML became a key approach in the toolkit of many developers and researchers. Although there is an exponentially growing interest in AutoML, AutoML is so far only rarely taught at universities and there is a large gap between the current state of the art in research and disseminated knowledge. The AutoML Fall School will cover core topics of AutoML, covering basics, state-of-the-art approaches and hands-on sessions. Enthusiastic AutoML experts will present their diverse views on AutoML to ML practitioners, developers, research engineers, researchers and students. 

Key Features

Learn from world-leading
experts in AutoML

Hands-on sessions with
open-source packages

Talk to  people --
Increase your network

Social Events

Invited Speakers

(University of Siegen)

Neural Architecture Search and Model Robustness

(University of Cambridge)

Scalable gradient-based optimisation of high-dimensional weight-update hyperparameters

(Huawei & University College London)

Advanced Bayesian optimization

Florian Pfisterer


Fairness in Automated Decision Making

Philipp Stratmann


Neuromorphic Computing on Intel's Loihi 2

Alexander Tornede and Marius Lindauer

(Leibniz University Hannover)

AutoML in the Age of Large Language Models

Hands-On Sessions by

Joaquin Vanschoren

(Eindhoven University of Technology)

Topic: Meta-Learning

Gabi Kadlecová

(Charles University Prague)

Topic: NASLib

Samuel Müller

(Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)

Topic: Hands-on: Next generation AutoML Methods

Carolin Benjamins & Dr. Marcel Wever

(Leibniz University Hannover & LMU Munich)

Topic: Tools for AutoML Research (Hydra and pyExperimenter)

Alessandro Pierro


Topic: Hands-On: Lava

In the meantime, join our AutoML MOOC

... available for free at ai-campus.org and a perfect opportunity for getting a basic background in AutoML before attending our AutoML Fall school.

Organized by Members of