

The early bird deadline ended 30th of September 2023 (midnight UTC+2).

The regular registration ended 21st of November 2023 (10:00AM UTC+1).

Application and Registration Process

To ensure a great experience in attending the fall school, there will be an upper limit of 70 attendees. You can register via the integrated page below or use this weblink.


The goal of the fall school is to provide an overview over the state of the art in the field of AutoML. To get the most of the fall school, we expect that every attendee has a strong background in machine learning and deep learning, and is aware of the basics of AutoML. For the latter, we strongly recommend to watch the following chapters from our MOOC on the

Technical Requirements

Since it will be an in-person school, we ask all attendees to have the following things set up and ready:



For a successful attendance of the fall school, you can obtain a certificate.