About our Library
Mission: The mission of the library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.
Hours of Operation:
Before school, from 7:25 AM until 7:45 AM.
During class time from 7:45 AM until dismissal begins, as an individual or small group of 1/3 of class or ten students, whichever is lesser.
Check out:
All materials are circulated for a two-week loan period with the option to renew the materials once for an additional two weeks.
The number of checkouts depends on the student’s grade level:
Pre-K: one book
Kindergarten: two books
First Grade: two items (magazine and/or books)
Second Grade: three items (magazine and/or books)
Third Grade: three items (magazine and/or books)
Fourth Grade: four items (magazine and/or books)
Fifth Grade: four items (magazine and/or books)
Parents may checkout up to five items on their child’s account
Overdue Materials:
Students who keep materials longer than the allotted two weeks without renewing (once is permitted) have overdue materials.
Every two weeks, overdue notices are sent home through TIP.
If a student believes he/she has received an overdue notice by mistake, please contact Mrs. Earle as soon as possible.
No fines are charged, but students with overdue materials are not permitted to checkout additional materials until the overdue items have been returned.
Please make every attempt to return materials on time so that all library patrons can utilize them.
Damaged Materials:
Library materials are expected to be returned in the condition they are checked out.
Students should point out damaged library materials to the Media Center Staff as soon as they notice them.
If materials are returned to the Media Center with writing, torn pages, or damaged covers, fines may be assessed.
As with overdue materials, damaged materials must be paid for before additional materials can be checked out.
Lost Materials:
If media materials are lost, they must be paid for at the cost of replacement.
This will be not less than $10.00 for a hardback book and not less than $5.00 for a paperback book.
Students must pay in cash only and will receive a receipt.
If a lost material is found before the end of the current school semester, a student may bring the lost item and receipt to the library and receive a refund.
As with overdue and damaged materials, lost materials must be paid for before additional materials can be checked out.
If offered by school librarian AND with parent permission, a student may provide restitution for lost library materials by “working” in the library. Tasks your child may be asked to perform include dusting, shelf-reading, stamping date due cards, shelving books, etc. This work in the library may be performed before school, after school, or during school with teacher permission. The standard compensation rate is $10.00 per hour.