14th Century English
Ring Brooch

A piece of tangible history, and a modern interpretation.

Every year at Pennsic, I spend multiple hours at a stall called Gaukler's Medieval Wares, ogling gorgeous examples of 14th Century jewelry and discussing historical lapidary and smithing with the master artisan behind the counter. Besides his excellent craftsmanship, he offers something unique at Pennsic: a treasure trove of actual medieval artifacts he uncovers on mudlarking and metal-detecting trips around the UK.

This year, I took one of these artifacts home with me: a small brass ring brooch from the 14th century. Unassuming in construction, it features six bezel settings for small glass stones. But it speaks to me deeply, a physical anchor to the time that we spend so much effort reaching back towards. I knew that I wanted to start trying to reach across that gap more directly, and this is the first step along a journey to take my smithing skills ever closer towards period practices.

It was also a beautiful opportunity to give back to someone who I find deeply inspiring. 

HRM Mary Isabel, long may she reign (Fall 2023 to Spring 2024, at least), is the kind of SCAdian that I want to be when I grow up. She has the incredible skill of making those around her feel like their efforts are truly noticed, their passions appreciated, and their achievements recognized. She builds people up in the most genuine of ways: by sharing their joy in their efforts and reflecting that joy out to everyone around her. 

So I knew that I had to take on this project in her honor. I chose stones to match her colors, and when the theme of Cultura Atlantia was "One who inspires you", I couldn't help but to take the oppontunity to enter it there. It was my great pleasure to present her with the finished brooch at Coronation 2023 after that competition was finished. I hope it brings her at least a little of the joy that she brings to the rest of Atlantia.

Extant Brooch

Found in Nottingham, UK by Mark Shier

Cast brass or bronze, pin missing, one fragment of what was likely a glass cabochon reamining.

Estimated 13th - 14th Century

My Interpretation

My finished brooch, inspired by my extant piece and others

Fabricated sterling silver (due to inexperience with casting), yellow quartz and blue synthetic spinel cabochons.

Confirmed 21st Century

Documentation submitted for entry in Cultura Atlantia at Fall Coronation, 2023

14th Century Ring Brooch Replica