Additional Experiences 

There are some elements of my background that don't fit in the other areas of this website, but that I think influence my professional career and/or other people might be interested in.  This includes some volunteering activities I participated in and general involvement in my academic and engineering communities.  

MEGSO Vice President 

Fall 2022-present.  As the Tufts University Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Organization (MEGSO) Vice President, I helped revive the organization after it stopped existing during the first years of the covid-19 pandemic.  This included organizing social events for students that either built community or highlighted a campus resource (ex: Coaster Etching Event in the Machine Shop), serving as a representative at Tufts Graduate Student Council (GSC) meetings, and being a "buddy" to incoming graduate students to serve as a point of contact when they first started at the university.

Tau Beta Pi Initiation Chair and National Representative 2018

Fall 2018-Spring 2019.  I served as the 2018-2019 Initiation Chair for the New Hampshire Alpha (NH-A) chapter of Tau Beta Pi.  I coordinated the identification and distribution of eligibility letters across all relevant departments, organized the initiation ceremony, and supported other executive board members with their duties.  I also was the representative for the NH-A chapter at the National Convention in 2018.  There, I served as the representative of the "Rituals" committee and spoke to the entire assembly on our work during the convention. 


Occupational Therapy Undergraduate Lab Assistant

Fall 2017-Summer 2019.  I worked with Dr. Therese Willkomm at the University of New Hampshire.  While there, I prepared materials for low-tech assistive technology training, helped as a staff member at the 2018 AT Makers' Fair in New Hampshire, and developed an obstacle alert system for a woman with low vision (demonstrated in video on left).