6th Grade

How to Survive 6th Grade

Are you scared to go into 6th grade? Well don't be, here are some tips and tricks on how to survive 6th grade! Focus and put all your attention into the class. Make some new friends. Be useful with your time. Lastly, try to do everything to your best ability. By doing all of these things you will find 6th grade to be much easier and run smoothly.

Focus and put all your attention into the class. If you have any distractions by you it will be hard to learn and listen to what your teacher is saying. Everything that you learn will be helpful in your life. Make sure to pay attention and participate in your classes. Doing this will help you grow. I know you probably don't want to be at school sometimes but just try your best! Putting your focus into class will help you get better grades and do much better on your work.

Make some new friends. You might already have friends at school but it's always good to meet new people. Every grade you get rearranged into different groups so it's good to have at least some friends who you talk to once in a while. Also try to stay away from drama the best you can. Drama will make everything a lot more difficult. Try to stay away from people who you don't have a good relationship with and stay close with people who make you happy. Doing this will make you happier and meeting new friends might have a good impact on your life!

Be useful with your time. Some Days you will have a lot of work to do. I suggest trying to finish all your work before you do anything else unless you have a sport or something. This helps because if you come home and just do your own thing it will be much harder to get back on to your work. Also if you have an assignment that isn't due in a week but you're supposed to be working on it, on any free time you should try to get a bit done. This will make it much easier to get it done and not doing it at the last second.

Lastly, just try your best. If you can't do something perfectly, it's alright just try it to your best ability. No teacher will get mad if you tried and didn't do everything right, but if you didn't really put any effort then they might get a little mad. Also your grades won't be the best if you aren't doing everything to your best ability. I know some work is more boring than others, but just remember it will all be done soon.

I hope these tips helped, and have an amazing 6th grade year! Remember all these tips to help you have a better year!