CSM, XO, Staff, and Companies

c/CSM Jacob Hernandez

Command Sergeant Major

c/CSM Jacob Hernandez is a (LET 3) and serves as the Battalion Command Sergeant Major for the 2023-2024 school year. He serves as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Battalion Commander. As the Commander Sergeant Major, he trains Company First Sergeants, ensuring they are prepared and ready to help their Company Commander. He also oversees the Battalion's enlisted portion and deals with conflicts between cadets. The Command Sergeant Major Is the Keeper Of the Colors, and the Color Guard.

c/MAJ Ella Goodmon

Executive Officer

c/MAJ Ella Goodmon is a (LET 3) and serves as the battalion Executive Officer for the 2023-2024 school year. As Executive Officer, her job is to supervise the Battalion Staff and ensure communication runs smoothly with the staff to meet the Battalion Commander's goals. 

c/CPT Genesis Hall

S-1 Adjutant Officer

c/CPT Genesis Hall is a (LET 2) and serves as the Battalion S-1 Officer for the 2023-2024 school year. As the Adjutant Officer, she works in JUMS to organize and monitor all personnel inside the battalion.

c/CPT Jabarey Crawford

S-2 Security Officer

c/CPT Jabarey Crawford is a (LET 3) and serves as the Battalion S-2 Officer for the 2023-2024 school year. As the Security Officer, his responsibility is to maintain and account for all security, including the arms room.

c/MAJ Argelys Hungria

S-3 Operations Officer

c/MAJ Argelys Hungria is a (LET 4) and serves as the Battalion S-3 Officer for the 2023-2024 school year. As the Operation and Training Officer, his responsibility is to write all operation orders for the battalion.

c/CPT Jamie Ziegenhein

S-4 Logistics Officer

c/CPT Jamie Ziegenhien is a (LET 4) and serves as the Battalion S-4 Officer for the 2023-2024 school year. As the Logistics Officer, His job is to manage all incoming and outgoing materials in JROTC. 

c/CPT Jason Langham

S-5 Public Affairs Officer

c/CPT Jason Langham is a (LET 3) and serves as the Battalion S-5 Officer for the 2023-2024 school year. As the Public Affairs Officer, He coordinates with the involving all matters related to the advertisement of the battalion.

c/CPT Sarah Eaves

S-6 Special Projects Officer

c/CPT Sarah Eaves is a (LET 4) and serves as the Battalion S-6 Officer for the 2023-2024 school year. As the Special Projects Officer, she coordinates with the staff involving all service learning projects.

c/CPT Marcus Flowers 

Alpha Company Commander

 c/CPT Marcus Flowers is a (LET 4) and serves as the Alpha Company Commander for the 2023-2024 school year. As a Company commander, he oversees all of the A/B day Platoon (class) leaders. His role is to teach the importance of leadership and make sure his platoon (class) leaders are prepared for class every day. 

c/SFC Graham Davis

Alpha 1st Sergeant 

c/SFC Graham Davis is a (LET 2) and serves as the Alpha Company First Sergeant for the 2023-2024 school year. As a Company First Sergeant, he oversees all of the A/B day  Platoon (class) NCOS. His role is to teach the importance of leadership and ensure his platoon (class)NCOS are prepared for class daily.

c/CPT Oscar Medina-Carrillo

Bravo Company Commander

 c/CPT Oscar Medina is a (LET 3) and serves as the Bravo Company Commander for the 2023-2024 school year. As a Company commander, he oversees all the semester-long Platoon (class) leaders. His role is to teach the importance of leadership and ensure his platoon (class) leaders are prepared for class daily. 

c/1SG Joseph Roman

Bravo 1st Sergeant 

c/1SG Joesph Roman is a (LET 2) and serves as the Bravo Company First Sergeant for the 2023-2024 school year. As a Company First Sergeant, he oversees all of the semester-long Platoon (class) NCOS. His role is to teach the importance of leadership and ensure his platoon (class)NCOS are prepared for class daily. 

c/LTC Christopher Allen

Brigade Representative

c/LTC Christopher Allen is a (LET 4) and serves as the Brigade Representative for the 2023-2024 school year. As a Brigade Representative, he relays the message from the District Brigade to the Camel Battalion and oversees all Battalion boards. He assists cadets competing in the District LET boards.