Frequently Asked  Questions

What does JROTC stand for, and why should I join?

JROTC stands for Junior Reserves Officers' Training Corps. The purpose of this program is to motivate young people to be better citizens by training them to become leaders and educating them about citizenship. Students in the program have the opportunity to learn important life skills such as first aid, the importance of physical fitness, effective communication, and explore future careers. Students also learn the importance of discipline, respect, teamwork, and accountability as they interact with their instructors and other Cadets.

By enrolling in JROTC, am I joining the military? Am I obligated to join ROTC in college?

No, students who enroll in JROTC are NOT obligated to join the military or ROTC after high school. The program is designed to help all students be prepared for their future careers. 

Are students who take JROTC required to wear a uniform?

Yes, Cadets are required to wear a uniform as directed by the instructor. The uniform may include Class As, Class Bs, or the OCP (camouflage) uniform. All uniforms are issued at the beginning of the year. Cadets may also be required to wear the Physical Training (PT) uniform during class for PT. Cadets involved in the JROTC teams may wear their uniform more often for competitions throughout the year. Use the 'School' tab at the top of the page for more information about uniform wear at each program.

Do Cadets participate in field trips or other activities outside of school?

Yes! The JROTC program offers several activities throughout the year that provide Cadets with the opportunity to practice objectives learned in the classroom. These include Service Learning projects, parades, and other activities in the community. Cadets also have the opportunity to participate in the district's annual military ball and competitions. The military ball and competitions are not required events, but Cadets are encouraged to participate.