Training initiatives


Diversity Equity, Inclusion, Justice and Belonging

Get comfortable being uncomfortable and move beyond DEIJB with practical steps.

New Hire Orientation

Onboard your team effectively using a simple 90-day plan.

Leading with Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Discover the proper use of the 'silver lining theory'.

Software systems for beginners

Learn the basics of software systems for beginners.

Leadership Development

Learn the difference between leading vs. managing your team.

IT Safety and Cyber Attacks

Is your team trained to recognize the 7 red flags of social engineering?

Conflict Resolution: A Lesson in Empathy and Awareness

Learn the secrets to making your team feel safe and still have the outcome you desire.

Excellence in Customer Service

Learn the keys to customer service success using the T.O.T.A.L. method.

Teach-Back for Clients and Patients

The teach-back method is a way of checking understanding by asking patients to state in their own words what they need to know or do about their health.

Developing Business Acumen

Every employee can discover the tools to grow their business acumen.

sexual harassment

Introductory training for Managers

Designed to be presented in conjunction with your company policy on sexual harassment.

sexual harassment

Introductory training for Employees

Designed to be presented in conjunction with your company policy on sexual harassment.

Whether new or experienced, help prepare your staff with customized training solutions for your business needs.

learn about the systems i use

Galpin’s change wheel is a 9-step process that blends iterative approaches with traditional refinement. Rather than cycling through the steps for each iteration of the change, you go through the process and stay in step 9 until you feel like the change is complete.

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