Web Tools

The Flipped Learning Network - A professional learning community for teachers using screen-casting in education.

LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - This will be useful for students to take exams, blog or journal to express mastery of skills, upload assignments, and for teachers to manage assignments and progress of all students. There are three available for AHS teachers. Listed belows are descriptions of the main features. Decide which one works best for you.

Clicking on the LMS name will take you to a page of resources/help content for that system.

OER Commons - Open Education Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials freely available for everyone to use, whether you are a teacher or a learner. This includes full courses, modules, syllabi, lectures, homework assignments, quizzes, lab activities, pedagogical materials, games, simulations, and many more resources contained in digital media collections from around the world.

CK-12 - Free education resources for teaching. Standards-aligned and customizable. STEM content.

Academic Earth - free online classes and online learning tools.

MIT Open Courseware - The idea is simple: to publish all of our course materials online and make them widely available to everyone.

Curriki - Curriki’s Mission – Open Educational Resources; To help equalize access to education globally, Curriki makes world-class learning materials freely available to educators, students, and parents around the world.

TeacherTube - contains many resources (videos, docs, audios, photos, etc.) on various subjects that can be used for flipped content.

YouTubeEDU - Contains thousands of educational videos/channels students can access from home, including Khan Academy channel, TED Ed, MinuteEarth, MinutePhysics, PeriodicVideos, etc.

Ted-Ed - TED-Ed is a free educational website for teachers and learners. The TED-Ed website allows you to engage in or create dynamic lessons around the hundreds of thousands of educational videos on YouTube. The features explored include the ability to add multiple choice questions, open answer questions, "dig deeper" materials, and custom discussion topics to any video on YouTube.


Khan Academy - An excellent resource for flipped classrooms, containing over 4,100 videos in subjects such as math, science, world history and economics. When logged in, includes practice exercises in these areas where teachers access data from student's progress to monitor mastery of skills.


Free software for your computer:

Audacity - podcast creator, used for making a voice recording.

Jing Project- screen cast whatever you do on your computer screen - make it into a video.

Windows Live Movie Maker - take screen shots, pictures, other videos, and voice recordings, edit them together to make a complete production.

Try free 30-day trials of these (purchased versions available on library computers):

Camtasia Studio - Capture what you are seeing and doing, create videos with professional polish, share and interact with your audience.

Snagit - Snag any image and enhance it with effects, or create a quick video of your computer screen. Then share your content instantly with your class, or save it for later.

Software already installed on your computer:

Microsoft Power Point - when already created presentations are saved as a Windows Media Video (.wmv) file, this can be imported into a Movie Maker production and voiced over with an Audacity file, adding captions to make one serious original content with very little work.

Other equipment you might want to use:

iPad - for making a video of yourself explaining a concept

Microphone headset - for use with Audacity and voice recordings