End of Year Procedures

Post date: May 13, 2010 3:10:10 PM

To finish out the tasks needed for the end of the year, new procedures are in place for the remainder of the school year.

Students may come to the library for the following reasons:

· To turn in their laptop to the technology department

· To turn in library books

· To pay library fines

· To print a project that is already complete with laminated library pass.

Students will no longer be able to:

· Hang out in the library – before school, during lunch or 9th period

· Use the computers other than to print a completed project.

· Conduct research or work on any school project except with express written consent from teacher e-mailed to Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Pugh in advance.

Students not meeting the above criteria will be sent back to class.

We appreciate your help in this matter.