
CHEM4KIDS - has chemistry basics, the periodic table of the elements, and information that can help for test review.

THE CHEMCOLLECTIVE - Online resources for teaching and learning chemistry.

CHEMICAL ELEMENTS - has all of the elements in the periodic table with the basic info (boiling point, atomic number, density) and the atomic structure of each.

CHEMISTRY ANIMATIONS - Animations of the most common functions in chemistry.

CHEMISTRY VIRTUAL TEXTBOOK - is a full chemistry course online produced by a former professor of chemistry.

CHEMISTRY WEB GUIDE - chemistry homework help, test prep and online references.

CHEMTUTOR - has references for the periodic table of the elements, moles, reactions and more.

GEMS ALIEN JUICE BAR - Playing with acid and base solutions to keep the aliens alive.

GENERAL CHEMISTRY ONLINE - helps with understanding general chemistry concepts and tests your knowledge with exam guides and practice tests.

SCIENCE WORLD - Everything about the world of chemistry

TAKS REVIEW - Science TAKS Preparation for Chemistry