Estate Planning

Even those of modest means need to plan for the unexpected. The law firm of Anne R. Tessier can help you put the the necessary documents in place to ensure that your wishes are followed and your loved ones are cared for. Young adults, individuals, families and older adults all need to plan for the unexpected. My office can help you with the preparation of basic estate planning documents, including:

Last Will and Testament

Choosing to have a will in place is a good way to help ensure that your estate is distributed according to your wishes.

Powers of Attorney

Whether you are married or single, there may come a time when you need someone you trust to communicate your wishes on your behalf. By executing a Power of Attorney, you decide who will have the authority to act in your name to control and manage your property and affairs when you are unable to communicate your wishes on your own.

There may also come a time when you are unable to communicate your wishes about your health care on your own. By executing a Health Care Proxy you decide who has the authority to make health care decisions on your behalf. Find out more

Declaration for a Desire for a Natural Death (Living Will)

The Declaration of a Desire for a Natural Death, more commonly known as a living will, gives guidance to your health care providers and your health care agent about your wishes for medical treatment if you cannot communicate your wishes yourself. Although in Massachusetts health care providers and health care agents are not legally bound to follow the instructions in your Declaration, it does provide them with a guideline of your wishes.

HIPAA Waiver

Your HIPAA waiver authorizes your health care providers to disclose medical information and records to those you have chosen upon request.

Homestead Protection

Most homes have automatic limited protection from creditors, up to $125,000. You may be able to increase the amount of protection by recording a Declaration of Homestead, protecting your home up to a total amount $500,000. If you are over the age of 62 and own your home jointly with another you may each be entitled to a homestead exemption of $500,000, up to $1 million of total protection.

For more information on this and other areas of practice, please visit my Blog page.


Website content copyright 2018 Anne R. Tessier. Images copyright 2017 Kat Tessier, used with permission.