
Publications and Accepted Papers

"Pricing of Climate Risk Insurance: Regulatory Frictions and Cross-Subsidies"

Joint with Sangmin S. Oh (Chicago Booth) and Ishita Sen (Harvard Business School) 

Conditional Acceptance - Journal of Finance

Link to current version on SSRN here 

presentation by a coauthor

Working Papers

"When Insurers Exit: Climate Losses, Fragile Insurers  and  Mortgage Markets" 

Joint with Pari Sastry (Columbia GSB) and Ishita Sen (Harvard Business School)

Revise and Resubmit - Quarterly Journal of Economics

Link to current version on SSRN here 

"Climate Risk and the U.S. Insurance Gap: Measurement, Drivers and Implications"

Joint with Tess Scharlemann, Pari (Parinitha) Sastry (Columbia GSB) and  Ishita Sen (Harvard Business School)

Invited for dual submission at the Review of Financial Studies 

Link to current version on SSRN here.

"The Revolving Door and Insurance Solvency Regulation"

Link to current version on SSRN here

"Impact of Money in Politics on Labor and Capital: Evidence from Citizens United v. FEC"

Joint with Pat Akey (University of Toronto), Tania Babina (Columbia GSB), Greg Buchak (Stanford GSB) 

Link to current version on SSRN here 

presentation by a coauthor

"Is Corporate Charitable Giving a Form of Indirect Political Donation?"

Link to current version here

Selected Work in Progress

"The Role of Institutional Ownership in the Allocation of Climate Infrastructure" - Joint with Sijia Fan (Cornell) and Kelly Posenau (Cornell)

 "The Fragility of a Post-Insolvency Funded Guaranty System" - Joint with Ishita Sen (Harvard Business School) 

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