Greg Buchak

Associate Professor of Finance

I am an Associate Professor of Finance at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and SIEPR Faculty Fellow. My research focuses on the industrial organization of financial intermediation, examining how disintermediation in credit provision has impacted borrowers, lenders, and the macroeconomy. Some of my research touches on "fintech" intermediaries and the financial frictions they do (or do not)  address, with a major theme being whether financial technology addresses real frictions or rather facilitates regulatory arbitrage. Finally, I study financial regulation and the political economy around regulation more broadly. 

I teach a PhD class on the IO of financial markets and an MBA class on residential real estate finance.

I received my Ph.D. in Financial Economics from the University Chicago’s Department of Economics and Booth School of Business. I also received a JD from the University of Chicago Law School.


Graduate School of Business
Stanford University
655 Knight Way
Stanford, CA 94305

GSB Faculty Webpage