Leo Horoscope 2021

2021 Predictions for Leo

Leos are regal personalities with a generous nature. They like to be the center of attention and seek power and prestige. They will always have a coterie of friends and admirers around them, as they are quite popular. They have a tendency to dominate others. They can be vain and susceptible to flattery. Leos do well in the movie and theater fields as they have a flair for drama. Leo horoscope 2021 forecast for love, health, marriage, career, money, and family is now available on Astroved.com.

A bird’s eye view of the year

Leo Moon Sign/ Simha Rasi natives can look forward to a decent year for career and finances. Rahu in the 10th house will give you optimism and the desire to have a good career. But, with Jupiter and Saturn in the 8th house, enemies at work may create hurdles to success. Mars in the 9th house will bring good fortune through your courage when the year begins. The self-employed should be very careful, as rivals may cause losses. In business, avoid short cuts. Jupiter’s aspect in the 2nd house of wealth brings wealth. Some may purchase a property during February-April. Jupiter may also be in your 7th house, Aquarius, for a while, and this will be good for you. Some may expand business partnerships, and others may get married. Stomach and kidneys may pose some problems, so do not neglect your health.

Career prospects

Rahu is posited in the 10th house for almost the whole year. This has positive outcomes. You will thrive at work, make excellent speeches and presentations, and earn the praise of your bosses. You will enhance your reputation at work and become more ambitious. This will make some colleagues jealous, and they may try to harm you. Saturn and Jupiter in the 6th house will help you to conquer your foes. Mars in the 9th house will impel you to help your father in his work/business. There will be professional trips, domestic and foreign, but be vigilant to avoid losses during such travels. Business people need to be careful. Make investments with ample caution. Jupiter in the 7th house in April-September will bring new business contacts.

Lakshmi Narasimha Homa is good for career progress

Love and Relationships

Ketu in the 4th house indicates a demanding year in this sector. When Jupiter occupies the 6th house, it will aspect the 2nd house of family and offer some relief. Parents’ health needs attention. In both career and family life, enemies will give trouble. Relatives, too, may become enemies. Discussions related to the purchase of a property may rake up some past issues at home. January-April may see some marital discord, so avoid flying off the handle with your spouse. Be receptive to their concerns and try to address them. Then they will support you wholeheartedly. The relationship with children will be good. Singles may tie the knot during April-September or November-December. Children may meet with success, and this will make you proud.

Shiva-Sakthi Pooja is good for marital harmony


A stable year for money matters, though expenses will exceed earnings. Try to generate more income, especially in the months of April, August, and October, which will be lucky in this respect. During April-September, household expenses may go up. Those in business may have to spend more on buying raw materials. Friends and acquaintances may help boost your wealth from April, when Jupiter enters the 7th house of friendships and business partnerships. Wealth may also come through your spouse, especially if you do business with them.


Students will have mixed outcomes. During January-April and September-October, success in exams is possible. But May-August may need you to do hard work. Mid-September to mid-November will see favorable results. It’s not a good year for pursuing higher studies abroad. Delays in the visa process or admission process are likely. Patience and hard work will bring success. There will be cooperation from fellow students, university staff, and your teachers. Some may get jobs, though they may not find them satisfying. But they can give valuable experience that they need.

Hayagreeva Homa is good for academic success


Health needs care this month. Adopt a healthy lifestyle, as the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the 6th house of ailments can give rise to health problems affecting the stomach and kidneys. Eyes and hand/wrist, too, may develop problems. If you have any stomach or kidney ailment, you should be extra careful. If you are careful, these problems may vanish quickly. Seeking medical help for physical well-being is as necessary as seeking spiritual help for mental well-being.

Dhanvantari Homa is good for health