Aries Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs

All of us have our own needs in love. Whether these needs are met or not depends on finding the right partner. This is where love compatibility comes in. Astrology can help you find out which zodiac signs make the best matches for you.

Maybe you have someone in mind and would like to know if he/she is the right person for you?. Or maybe you’re dating someone and want to know how you can take the relationship to a whole new level.

If you are an Aries (March 21 and April 19), read on to know what Aries compatibility with other signs of the zodiac will be like.

Aries, you love your freedom and independence, and you will not sacrifice it for anyone. But you also need to have someone by your side who will pamper and indulge you because you are the infant of the zodiac. Someone who believes in their dreams and calms them when their anger and passion get the better of them. And if they are intelligent, fun-loving, and adventurous, then all the better. Let’s see which of the other signs fit the bill and which do not. The best match for you is someone who anchors you without making too many demands on you and who encourages you to go after your dreams without fear.

Aries and Aries (March 21 – April 19)

This Aries Aries Compatibility will be an unstoppable couple, provided you both have the same goals. If not, there will be an epic battle of wills. The two of you will want to do things your own way and will fight for your ideals. This pairing will not be dull, but sometimes it can be destructive as can be expected when two freedom-loving, headstrong, impulsive, and impatient individuals come together.

Aries and Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

This Aries and Taurus could be an enduring couple. Initially, Aries may get annoyed by Taurus’ slow-poke ways, laziness, and stubbornness. Taurus will find it hard to control Aries’ energy or keep up with their speed. Actually, these two complement one another, and that is what makes this relationship work. Taurus provides the stability and security that Aries needs, while Aries does battle with the world. Aries, ruled by Mars, and Taurus, ruled by Venus, means that the masculine energies of Mars go well with the feminine energy of Venus.

Aries and Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

The Aries and Gemini couple sure knows how to have fun. But Aries may soon get possessive about the flirty Gemini, which will be deeply resented. Gemini’s need for constant mental stimulation and companionship will drain Aries. Gemini likes to please others and is very adaptable. Aries is blunt and outspoken, bordering on rudeness. This relationship can work if Aries can rein in their temper and try not to control Gemini. Gemini should also try to curb their flirtatious tendencies.

Aries and Cancer (June 21 - Jul 22)

This Aries and Cancer couple may seem totally mismatched, initially. Aries is aggressive and loud, while Cancer is quiet and reserved. But Aries won’t be the one calling the shots in this pairing. Cancer has a strong spiritual core that has no difficulty when it comes to matching Aries’ bluster. If they learn to respect each other's needs and temperaments, this can be an enduring relationship.

Aries and Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

There will be many power struggles between these two, as both have a need to be in control. Being Fire signs, they will have similar natures.

Leo demands attention, but Aries is too self-centered to provide it. Leo loves to surround themselves with people, but Aries needs to be a loner sometimes. This Aries Leo couple can succeed if they let each other do what they want, no questions asked.

Aries and Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Aries and Virgo are too different to stick with each other for long. Aries is loud and impulsive and doesn’t like to be criticized. Virgo is too fussy and critical. They are full of complains and love to point out mistakes. They will also be annoyed at Aries’ tendency to start things and then leave them mid-way.

Aries and Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

There is strong sexual energy between these two. Mars is Aries’ ruling planet, and Venus is Libra’s. This is a very compatible pair. Aries can take the initiative when Libra is unable to decide, and Libra’s patience and compassion can help Aries calm down.

Aries and Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Blunt and straightforward, Aries may not seem to have much in common with the secretive and mysterious Scorpio, but the underlying passion between them is likely to spark a fire that can burn brightly. This Aries and Scorpio couple will always find things to appreciate in each other. They will have fierce arguments, too, but they respect each other. They will be very committed to their relationship.

Aries and Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

These two signs Aries And Sagittarius will be great friends. Pushing boundaries and exploring new territory come naturally to them. But they can also like to lone wolves, at times.

Sagittarius doesn’t like to stay in one place for too long, while Aries doesn’t like to feel trapped. This may give rise to some commitment issues. Friends with benefits is probably the best arrangement for them than marriage.

Aries and Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 21)

This Aries And Capricorn relationship will be dead before it is born. To the rigid and workaholic Capricorn, rash and impulsive Aries seems foolish, while Aries will be bored with Capricorn’s seriousness and inability to have fun. Capricorn seeks commitment and security, but Aries may not be able to provide either.

Aries and Aquarius (Jan 22 – Feb 18)

These Aries And Aquarius find each other very fascinating. Both are driven and committed to their pet causes. They are also rebellious and want to change the world. Aries can hold Aquarius’ interest, while Aquarius gives Aries the freedom it craves. Together, they will be able to create miracles.

Aries and Pisces (Feb 19 -March 20)

Pisces is good for Aries as they can teach them to connect with their emotions and intuition. Pisces, who is a dreamer, will be impressed by Aries’ drive to turn dreams into reality. Initially, they may struggle as they experience reality in different ways. But if Aries cultivates patience, and Pisces learns to take a few risks, this Aries Pisces compatibility can be quite harmonious and long-lasting.

Even if your lover belongs to an incompatible sign, there is a chance of making it work. By making some adjustments and compromises, two people can ensure that their relationship develops into a strong and lasting bond.