Jupiter transit 2020 to 2021 predictions for cancer

Cancer General

The planet of fortune and abundance, Jupiter will be transiting to the sign Capricorn from Sagittarius on November 20, 2020. Capricorn is the sign of debilitation for Jupiter. However, this debilitation gets canceled because of its association with Saturn, which rules Capricorn.

Jupiter will be transiting the 7th House from Cancer, which is considered favorable. From this position, Jupiter will aspect your 11th House of profits and fulfillment of desires, the 1st House of talent, character, and overall life and 3rd House of communication, courage, God-faith, younger siblings, and neighbors.

This transit would be a prosperous one making you wealthy and affluent. You could enjoy a happy relationship with your partner and dear ones. There shall be a smooth progress in life, provided you put in the right efforts. You may act overly courageous and confident, which could help you face all the hindrances effectively. This could be the right time to fulfill your desires. Your general rapport with others would stay positive, soft-spoken, and courteous. However, you need to be careful when you communicate with the elderly, as there are chances for misunderstandings. You may, however, get the fullest support from your friends. You may benefit from short travels. You may not be focused on religion and spirituality during this period. You may also deviate from observance of rules and conformity to the law in public places or traffic. Try to be self-disciplined as you could deviate from both personal and family norms. You may not be understood and evaluated by others properly. This Jupiter transit 2020 would also bring in revitalizing energy that can support you to bounce back in life by learning from the past.

Cancer Family

This is the time to rejoice with your loved ones and spend quality time with them. Your siblings would be supportive in many ways, and mutual harmony shall increase. However, there are chances to get hurt by the people of parental status and lose their moral support. You would be able to evaluate your family members’ actions perfectly. The general understanding and the degree of cooperation amongst the family members would be normal. Your relatives’ support may also be sincere during this period.

Divine Technique for Family Harmony: Perform Bhagavati Seva Pooja

Cancer Health

The health of you and your spouse would be good. Your siblings would also enjoy good health. However, your parents’ health could be of concern, as they might face fitness problems. As far as your health is concerned, though it might stay sound, you need to have a check on your BP and cholesterol levels. Your physical health may be sound, but this may not be the case with your mental wellness. You may get frequently worried and anxious about trivial things. Try to keep your emotions under control.

Divine Technique for a Healthy Living: Perform Vaidyanatha Pooja

Cancer Love and Marriage

You would be on good terms with your spouse. This transit is a great time for those seeking a bride/groom. Those already married shall enjoy a happy and understanding marital life. There may not be any conflicts or contradictions in dealings between partners. However, you could miss the support from the elders. Sometimes, they may even take a stand opposing your love or marriage.

Divine Technique for Marital Happiness: Perform Sumangali Pooja

Cancer Finances

Though property matters may not favor during this time, money flow through other channels are on the cards. Avoid speculation, shares or mutual funds, as they may not give good gains. Those in business could reap considerable profits, and a regular income would meet your budget as well. It would be wise to save money and property for the future, as there could be expenses. Your partner’s wealth may also take an upward curve.

Divine Technique to Improve Financial Status: Perform Kanakadhara Lakshmi Abhishekam for 3 Fridays

Cancer Career

This transit appears favorable for business activities as well as for the partnerships. Hard work in business and trade would yield the desired results, except in the realty and automobile sectors. Your customer base shall grow exponentially, but their requirements need to be met on time. The juniors and colleagues at the office may act congenially, but that may not be the case with the senior officials. Career growth and professional prosperity would be average.

Divine Technique for Business & Career Progress: Perform Shatru Samhara Homa

Cancer Education

This transit may not be a very promising one for the educational prospects. You need to put in a lot of hard and sincere efforts to get results. Those aspiring to enter college or university may find it hard to their long-desired ones! Delays and hassles could affect the progress and also in joining the course of their choice. However, those who participate in competitions and other specialized exams may taste success. These are because of Jupiter’s limited benevolence in educational matters.

Divine Technique for Success in Academics: Get Your Dakshinamurthy Yantra

Cancer Home remedies

· Chant the mantra 108 times on Thursday mornings after a fresh bath: ‘Om Guruvae Namaha’

· Feed the cows and birds with bananas and yellow sweets

· Give due respect to the teachers

· Serve curd or curd rice to the Brahmins and the poor

· Worship and water the Banyan and the Peepal tree

· Avoid eating banana or keeping banana in the bedroom to avoid the negative influence of Jupiter

Read more here - https://www.astroved.com/transit/jupiter-transit-cancer