Nebulae 2023 onwards


Dual RigED80 and Atik460EX ED72 and Atik 460EXHEQ5Ha 20 x 600secs Oiii 8 x 300secs binnedSii 8 x 300secs binned Total 4 hours 40mins
SE London Bortle 8 
There is a faint PN Lan 21 top left, which is just starting to appear. 


Dual Rig ED80 and ED72 both with an Atik460EX and 0.8 FR, HEQ5
Ha 84 x 600 secs (14 hours) Oiii 36 X 300 secs binned x 2Sii 35 x 300 secs binned x 2
Total 20 hours (the most I have ever capured on one target).
From SE London Bortle 4. 
Won Image of the Day on TSS forum 7/7/2023

Lion Nebula Sh2-132

Dual rig from SE London Bortle 8
ED80 & Atik460EXED72 & Atik460EXHEQ5Ha 36 x 600, Oiii & Sii 14 x 300 binned each SHOPlus data from 2018 taken in HOO
Total imaging time 12h 50mins 

Antares and Rho Ophiuchi Regions

Taken over several years.  Twice in Spain and twice in East Sussex.
Spain 2017 DSLR and cheap camera lens and Ioptron skytracker. 4 hoursSpain 2019 same set up but with a luminance filter and Mono CCD camera 2 hours I wasn't happy with either as the cheap camera lens produced horrible stars.
Having bought a Samyang 135mm lens at the end of 2019, I decided to try to get better luminance from the campsite I visit from time to time in East Sussex, but it is VERY low from the UK.  This time I could take my full rig with me and do longer guided subs.  HEQ5, Atik460EX and Samyang 135mm lens. 
2022 I captured some luminance with better stars of the Antares region, but half of Rho Ophiuchi was chopped off.  1 hour 20mins week April 2023 I captured the area around Rho Ophiuchi and made a mosaic thus completing the image at last.  1 1/2 hours.  Of course we can always use more data but given my VERY limited opportunities I think this will be the final version.
Total of 8h 50mins
Latest version now with some star reduction to reduce the 1000s of tiny stars 

NGC7129 (Cropped for closer view)

Crop of larger image taken on a dual rig:ED80/Atik460EX & ED72/Atik460EX on HEQ5
Lum 27 x 600RGB 40 x 150 binned x 2
Total imaging time 6 hours 10minsTaken at Astro camp April 2023 

Cederblad 51 

In the head of OrionTaken in Bortle 8 skies. over 4 nights Dual RigAtik460EX & SW ED80Atik460EX and SW ED72
Ha (both scopes) 20 x 600secs Ha ED72 46 x 300 binned in error RGB 16, 11 & 15 x 300secs binned respectively 
Total imaging time 14 1/2 hours 

Part of the Taurus Molecular Cloud

Plan to make this into a Mosaic at a later dateTaken at a Bortle 4 location on a small Astronomy Camp.East Sussex UKLum 22 x 600secs (3h 40m)Red 9 x 200secsGreen 10 x 200secs Blue 9 x 200 secs total 5 hours 13mins

Gecko Nebula LBN437

Taken in East Sussex Campsite Sept 2023 Atik460EX and Samyang lens 135mm F2.8LumHaRGB
4 hours 26m 

NGC1333 in Perseus

Reprocess of old data from 2016 and 2017 - combinedBoth taken at Kelling Heath Star party:September 2016 ED120 and Atik 314L 2h 43minsSeptember 2017 dual rig. ED80/460 11 x 600 + WO/314 6 x 600Total imaging time 5h 35mins  

Gecko Nebula Sh2-126

Data from 2021:Atik460EX and William Optics ZS71 on HEQ5Idas filter (Lum) 450sec subs x 32  = 4 hours,  Ha 6 x 600 secsRGB total of 1 hour combined (binned)  Taken over 3 nightsTotal imaging time 6 hours. 
Data from 2023Samyang Lens 135mm @ f2.8  Atik460EXLum 1h 40mins, Ha 1h 40minsRGB 1h 40minsTotal 5hours
Total for both = 11 hours 

Jellyfish Nebula IC443

Taken in 2021 but never posted.
Skywatcher Esprit100 & HEQ5Taken from Bortle 8 (Home)Ha 18 x 600Oiii 7 x 300 binnedSii 6 x 300 binned 
Total 4h 5mins 
APOD on TSS Forum 10/8/23 

The Witch Head Nebula

Data from East Sussex on 14th October 2023 Lum 10 x 600RGB 10 x 600 eachtotal 3 hours 20m
Samyang lens 135mm @ F2.8Atik460EX on HEQ5

Plan to add more colour and Ha and more Lum if I can get to a dark location. 

Praying Ghost Nebula VDB141

Taken in 2022 from Both kelling Heath and the Cotswolds, but due to bad weather in both locations, this is only 1 hour 55 mins.  So I have now added more data from 2013 (done in Bortle 3 skies but as part of a widefield image as I can't see an opportunity to get more data in the near future.
8 x 600 + 1 x 300 lum4 x 150 binned and 2 each of RGB
ED80 and Atik460EX With data from 2013 this is now 6hours 40mins 
Awarded APOD on TSS Forum 11-5-2023 

Barnard's Loop inc M78 and LDN1622

Taken on 3 separate occasions.  the widefield is taken from Home in 2021 2h 50mBoogeyman LDN1622 was taken in 2022 from Bortle 8  5hours 55mins  M78 was taken from Bortle 4 in 2017 4hours 17mcombined for more detail on the smaller targets, total imaging time = 12h 22m
Award Image of the day APOD on TSS forum on 10/2/2024 

The Blue Horsehead in Scorpius

Very low in UK and due to weather only managed 2 hours 40 mins with Samyang les 135mm and Atik460EXTaken at cairds Campsite Bortle 4 

Cone Nebula  NGC2264

data from 2020 and 20222020 taken in Swanley Bortle 6 Atik460EX & WOZS71 HEQ5Ha 22 x 600Oii 11 x 300 binnedSii 11 x 300 binnedTotal imaging time 5h 30m
2022 taken in SE London Bortle 8 Atik460EX and Samyang 135mm @ F2.8Ha 20 x 600 (3h 20mins)Oiii 18 x 300 binned 1 hour 25mSii 11 x 300 binned 1 hour 35 mins.Total 6h 20mins
Total combined time, 11hours 50mins

Cave Nebula - Sh2-155

Originally captured in 2017 - this is a re-process:  Lum 1 hourRGB 12.5 mins(as per LRGB version)Ha 9 x 600secsED80/Atik460EX & WOZS71/Atik314LDual Rig HEQ5 

Witch Head Nebula IC2118 LHaRGB

Now with added Ha (see image above with just LRGBSwanley 2022 I wasn't able to use the Lum but I managed to use 11 x 600 Ha.Cairds Lum 10 x 600RGB 10 x 600 eachtotal 3 hours 20m + Swanley 11 x 600 (1h 50m)Grand total is now 5h 10m