
Click all images to enlarge

Nebulae 2023 onwards on separate page

Antares Region and Rho Ophiucci

Taken over several years.  Twice in Spain and twice in East Sussex.
Spain 2017 DSLR and cheap camera lens and Ioptron skytracker. 4 hoursSpain 2019 same set up but with a luminance filter and Mono CCD camera 2 hours I wasn't happy with either as the cheap camera lens produced horrible stars.
Having bought a Samyang 135mm lens at the end of 2019, I decided to try to get better luminance from the campsite I visit from time to time in East Sussex, but it is VERY low from the UK.  This time I could take my full rig with me and do longer guided subs.  HEQ5, Atik460EX and Samyang 135mm lens. 
2022 I captured some luminance with better stars of the Antares region, but half of Rho Ophiucci was chopped off.  1 hour 20mins week April 2023 I captured the area around Rho Ophiucci and made a mosaic thus completing the image at last.  1 1/2 hours.  Of course we can always use more data but given my VERY limited opportunities I think this will be the final version.
Total of 8h 50mins 
Awarded Astrophotograhpy picture of the Day APOD TSS Forum on 27th April 2023

Cederblad 51 in Orion

Taken in Bortle 8 skies. over 4 nights Dual RigAtik460EX & SW ED80Atik460EX and SW ED72
Ha (both scopes) 20 x 600secs Ha ED72 46 x 300 binned in error RGB 16, 11 & 15 x 300secs binned respectively 
Total imaging time 14 1/2 hours 

Sh2-261 Also known as Lower's Nebula 

Taken from Bortle 8 SE London over 2 nights, with a dual rig.
Ha ED80 and Atik460EX 12 x 600Ha ED72 34 x 600 Oiii ED80 9 x 300 binned x 2Sii ED80 18 x 300 binned x 2RGB (for the stars) 11 x 150 binned x 2
Total imaging time 10hours 20m  


Dual Rig, ED80/Atik460EX & ~ED72/ATik460EX on HEQ5Lum 27 x 600RGB 40 x 150 binnedx2
Total imaging time 6 hours 10m


Crop for close up viewTaken at Campsite in East Sussex April 2023 
       Taken over 2 nights on a dual rig.  Unforunately 3 hours of Oiii data had to be discarded.
Atik460EX and Skywatcher ED80 and Skywatcher ED72Ha 38 x 600 6h 20mOiii 5 x 300 binned (25m)Sii 20 x 300 binned (1 hour 40 minsTotal imaging time 8 hours 25mins 
Taken from Bortle 8 SE London late 2022 

Fossil Footprint NGC1491 

Atik460EX & ED80 + Atik460EX and ED72 (dual rig)
Ha 51 x 600 (8 1.2 hours)Oiii 24 x 300 binned (2 hours)Sii 24 x 300 binned (2 hours)
Total imaging time 12 1/2 hours 
Taken from SE London Feburary 2023 

LBN 881

Dual rigED80 and Atik460EXEd72 and Atik460EXHa 30 x 600Oiii 15 x 300x2Sii 17 x 300x2 Total 9 hours 50mins

Crop of image (for closer view) 

WR134 in Cygnus

Captured on a dual rig with 6 1/2 hours Ha and Oiii 8 3/4 hours using various different length subs trying to bring out the Oiii detail.
SWED80 and Atik460EXSWED72 and Atik 460EXHEQ5
Total imaging time: 15 1/4 hours 

Praying Ghost Nebula VDB141

Only 1 hour 55 min due to bad weather at Dark sky locations. 8 x 600 + 1 x 300 lum4 x 150 binned and 2 each of RGBED80 and Atik460EX

Soul Nebula IC1848 

Taken from Bortle 7/8 SE LondonAtik 460EX and SWED72on HEQ5Ha 30 x 600 (5 hours)Oiii 15 x 300 binned x2  (1 1/4 hours)Sii 15 x 300 binned x 2 (1 1/4 hours)Total imaging time 7 1/2 hours 

Soul Nebula "Feature"

2016 ED80 and Atik314L (3 hours Ha, 45m Oiii and 1hour Sii) =  4 hours 45mins2019 SW130PDS and Atik460EX (3 hours 20mins Ha, 1 hour Oiii, 1 hour Sii) = 5 hours 20mins2022 Atik 460EX and SWED72 Ha 30 x 600, Oiii 15 x 300 binned x2, Sii 15 x 300 binned x 2 = 7 hours 30minsTotal imaging time 17 hours 35 minutesAll imaged in SE London UK Bortle 7/8 

Pickerings Triangle and the Witch's Broom Nebulae in Cygnus

Approx 3 1/2 hours of data - test for new telescope SW Evostar 72ED  

LBN251 in Cygnus

Atik460EX, Skywatcher ED120 + FR x 0.8HEQ5Ha 26 x 600Oiii 11 x 300 binnedSii  12 x 300 binned
Total imaging time 5h 50mins taken over two nights. 

Sh2-134 in Cepheus

Atik460EX and Samyang Lens 135mm @ f2.8 on HEQ5Ha 37 x 600 = 6hours 10mins Oiii 21 x 300 binned = 1 hour 45minsSii 21 x 300 binned = 1 hour 45mins
Total imaging time = 9hours 40 mins 
APOD on Sky Searchers Forum 

Sh2-112 in Cygnus

Taken from Bortle 8 SE London over 3 nightsAtik460EX and FR x 0.8Skywatcher ED120 and HEQ5Ha 27 x 600 (4.5 hours)Oiii 12 x 300 binned (1 hour)Sii  12 x 300 binned (1 hour)Total imaging time 6 1/2 hours
APOD on Skysearchers Forum 

Antares Region in Scorpius 

Taken over several years.  4 hours DSLR in Spain, and I only used the Luminance taken last weekend, and the FOV chopped off half of Rho Orphiucci, so looks like I will still need another go at some stage.
8 x 600 luminance 1 hour 20minsSo total of 5hours 20mins. 

The Lion Nebula Sh2-132

In Cepheus: William Optics ZS71 & Atik460EX HEQ5Baader filter HOOHa 2 x 900 secs + 14 x 600 secs (2h 50 mins)Oiii 1 x 600 secs (2h 30 mins)Grand Total 5h 20m 

LDN1251 Anglerfish Nebula

Lum 47 x 600 7 hours 50minsRGB 9 x 300 binned x 2 each total 2h 15minsAtik460EX and SWED80EFW Baader LRGBTaken over 2 nightsEast Sussex - an Astro camping weekend.
Total imaging time 10hours 5mins. 

NGC2264 Cone Nebula 

Bortle 7/8 SE London Atik460EX and Samyang 135mm @ F2.8Ha 41 x 600 (6h 50mins)Oiii 18 x 300 binned 1 hour 10mSii 19 x 300 binned 1 hour 35 mins.Total 9h55m (near enough 10 hours) 

Sh2-284 Nebula in Monoceros

ED80 & Atik460EX on HEQ5 Mount & AtikEFW2Ha 21 x 600 (3h 30m)Oiii 15 x 300 binned (1 hour 15mins)Sii 14 x 300 binned (1 hour 10mins)
WOZS71 and Atik428EXHa 14 x 600 (2 hours 20 mins
Total imaging time 8 hours 15mins 
APOD on Sky searchers forum

IC2169 in Monoceros

One glorious long night from SE London.  Not sure if the pandemic is having an effect on the number of London lights, but I normally can never do LRGB from home, and the SQ seemed a bit darker than normal.Dual rig:WOZS71 and Atik428EX - Luminance only 31 x 600secs (5h 10m) - Skywatcher ED80 and Atik460EX Hutech Idas filter instead of Lum 19 x 600 (3h 10m) + RGB 13 x 300secs binned each totalling 3h 15m Total imaging time 11 hours 35mins 
January 2022 - Bromley Bortle 8

Phantom of the Opera Nebula Sh2-173

Data from 3 different set ups spread over 11 monthsALL FROM BORTLE 8
Esprit100 and Atik460EX  8 x 600 Ha February 2021 (1 hour 20 mins)Then November 2021 and January 2022 using a dual rigWOZS71 and Atik428EX Ha only 6 x 600  (1 houtr)ED80 and Atik460EX Ha 6 x 600 Ha (1 hour)ED80 and Atik460EX RGB 17 subs totalling (1 hour RGB)Total imaging time 5 hours 40 minsHEQ5, Manual filter wheel and AtikEFW2 
January 2022 - Bromley Bortle 8

WR134 in Cygnus 

Combination of data from 3 different images.2 different set upsSamyang lens & Atik460EX on Crescent area 5.5 hoursSamyang lens & Atik460EX Widefield Tulip area 9.5 hours Ha and Oiii with WOZS71 and Atik460EX  4 hours 

All data taken from Bromley Bortle 8

APOD on TSS Forum 2/1/2022

Boogeyman Nebula LDN1622

Combined data from 2019 and 2022, now giving a                            total of 6 hours LHaRGB.  Atik460EX and WOZS71 (2019)                   and SwED80 (2022).

Bromley - Bortle 8 completed in January 2022 


William Optics  ZS71 and Atik460EX Lum 23 x 600  (3h 50m)Red 11 x 150 binned Green 9 x 150 binnedBlue 10 x 150 binned  (RGB 1h 15m)
Total imaging time 5 hours 5mins
Kelling Heath Norfolk - Bortle 4  7th October 2021
Won an APOD on The Skysearchers forum

Melotte 15

Combination of image taken in 2016 with a SW 150P and Atik314L(4 hours)

Plus image taken in 2019 with a 130PDS and Atik460EX (3hours 5mins)

Total 7h 5mins 

Tadpole nebula IC410

Atik 460EX and SW ED80 on HEQ5Baader filters Ha (3.5nm) 15 x 600Oiii (4.5nm) 8 x 300 binnedSii (8m,) 8 x 300 binned
Total 3 hours 50 mins
Taken from Home Bortle 8 on 5-11-2021

APOD on Sky Searchers forum

Western Veil Nebula (AKA as the Witches Broom) NGC 6960

I only took this image as a test for my re-assembled Dual rig and new 2nd laptop as have imaged it a few times before.Atik460EX/ Skywatcher ED80 + Focal reducer x 0.8 Ha Oiii an SiiAtik428EX/ William Optics ZS71 + focal reducer x 0.8 Ha onlyHa 21 x 600 (3 1/2 hours)Oiii and Sii only 5 x 300secs binned each (lost some due to cloud).Total 4 hours 20 mins
Taken from Home - Bortle 8 - 10-12-2021

Iris Nebula NGC7023 & Gyulbudaghians Nebula LBN468

Atik460EX & Skywatcher ED80 + Focal reducer x 0.8 Ha 22 x 600 (3h 40m)Oiii 10 x 300 binned (50m)Sii 11 x 300 binned (55m)
Total imaging time 5hours 25mins September 2021 - Cotwolds
Award "TOP PICK" on Astrobin 19/9/2021

North America Nebula The Wall NGC7000

Atik460EX & Skywatcher ED80 + Focal reducer x 0.8 Ha 22 x 600 (3h 40m)Oiii 10 x 300 binned (50m)Sii 11 x 300 binned (55m)
Total imaging time 5hours 25mins September 2021 Cotswolds
Chosen as APOD on The Sky Searchers forum

Pacman Nebula NGC281

Skywatcher ED120 and FR TS 0.79Atik460EX Baader filters Ha 22 x 600 (3h 40m)Oiii 16 x 300 binned (1h 20m)Sii 16 x 300 binned (1h 20m)Some RGB for the stars 
Total imaging time 4hours 20 mins 

July 2021 - Swanley Kent

Pacman Nebula NGC281 

close up on central detail

Dragon Sh2-114

Taken in 2021  Ha 23 x 600 (3 hours 50 mins), RGB each filter 8 x 150 binned (1 hour)Total imaging time 4 hours 50 minsWOZS71 + FR x 0.79Atik460EXHEQ5 

Swanley Kent Bortle 6 July 2021

Flying Dragons Sh2-114 from Bortle 8 (HaRGB) August 2019

VERY faint object - taken from my Bortle 8 Home location.                      Ha 900 x 14, Ha 600 x 2, Ha 1200 x 4 (total Ha 5 Hours 10mins, RGB 9 x 300 binned x 2, RGB 15 x 200 binned x 2, Total RGB 1 hour 35minsGrand total 6 hours 45 minsAtik428EX, SWED80, HEQ5August 2019 - Bortle 8 & Bortle 4

Bok's Globules in the Rosette Nebula

Combined data from 4 different years done with different equipment.  Including Atik383L and Atik460EX - William Optics ZS71, Skywatcher 130PDS, Skywatcher Esprit1002014 4h 20m,   2015 3h 40m,   2019 2h 15m,  2021 8hTotal imaging time per filter  Ha 11h 10m, Oiii 4h 25m, Sii 2h 40mGrand total 18 1/4 hours.All Bortle 8 Chosen as APOD on 20/3/2021 on The Sky Searchers Forum 

M16 Eagle Nebula

Ha 6 x 600secsOiii 3 x 300 secs binned x 2Sii 3 x 300 secs binned x 2SW 130PDS, Atik460EX and HEQ51 hour 20 minsApril 2018 - Bortle 4

Tulip Nebula SH2-101 Widefield 

Showing surrounding gas and dust. Extra data added taken with a smaller Camera and combined to the right hand side only. Ha 20 x 600secs on Left and 43 x 600secs on the right. Baader 7.5nmOiii 16 x 300 binned x 2Sii 13 x 300 binned x 2Atik460EX and Atik428EX with Samyang 135mm F2 lens @ f2.8HEQ5 Total imaging time 9 hours 35 mins

June 2021 (in Astronomical Twilight Bortle 8

Propeller Nebula Simeis 57

Taken over 2 nights just before summer solstice so very little darkness from Home.Atik460EX, Skywatcher Esprit100 + Fr x0.79
Ha 18 x 600 (3 hours)Oiii 11 x 300secs binned (55mins)Sii 11 x 300secs binned (55mins)Total imaging time 4 hours 50mins

June 2021 (in Astronomical Twilight Bortle 8


Clamshell Nebula Sh2-119


Samyang lens and Atik460EX on HEQ5Ha 13 x 900 (3h 15mRGB 11 x 125secs binned x 2 @ 23mins eachTotal imaging time 3hours 24mins
Taken from Bortle 8 (end May 2021) 

Clamshell nebula Sh2-119 in SHO Hubble Palette 

Ha 13 x 900, Oiii 4 x 450binnedSii 2 x 450 binnedSamyang 135mm lens @ f2.8 and Atik460EX Baader filters on HEQ5Taken from Bortle 8 (end May 2021)
POTD TSS forum 7/6/2021

NGC7822 Nebula

Bortle 8 March 2020 over 2 nights  Ha 21 x 600, Oiii 4 x 450secs binned + 7 x 300secs binned, Sii 10 x 300 secs binned + 4 x 450secs binned, RGB 5 x 150 each (for stars)Samyang 135mm F2.8, Atik460EX and Baader filters, on HEQ5Total Imaging time 6 hours 32.5 minutes

Bortle 8 - June 2020

Award APOD on TSS 3/6/2020

Elephant's Trunk Nebula IC1396

During Lockdown Bortle 8Atik460EX and Samyang 135mm F2 lens @ F2.8, HEQ5  -  Ha 4 x 900, Ha 15 x 600, Oiii 10 x 300 binned, Sii 12 x 300x2, RGB stars 6 x 150 (eachTotal of 6 hours 5mins
Bortle 9 - May 2020 

M78, Bogeyman nebula and Barnard's Loop in Orion 

Atik460EX and Baader filters EFW   Samyang 135mm Bortle 8Ha 11 x 600, RGB total of 25 x 150secs between all filters.    Total imaging time approx 2h 50mins   Bortle 8 - January 2021 

APOD on 25.1.2021 The SkySeachers Forum

Wizard Nebula NGC7380 

Data from 2020 Bortle 8 and 2015 Bortle 4Dual Rig SW ED120/Atik460EX                    SW ED80/Atik314L  Ha  & Oiii Total imaging time = 13hours 10mins     Bortle 8 - November 2020        

Rosette Nebula NGC2244

Mostly with Esprit100 and Atik460EXUtilising some extra Oiii and Sii from 2014Ha 4 1/2 hours, Oiii 2 hours, Sii 1 1/2 hours Hubble Palette SHOTotal imaging time 8 hours
Bortle 8 - March 2021

Rosette Nebula NGC2244

Same image with combined as HOS instead of Hubble palette 
Bortle 8 - March 2021 
SHO version Awarded APOD

TSS website 4.3.2021

Simeis 147 AKA The Spaghetti nebula 

Bortle 8 when stuck at home during lockdown,   Ha 21 x 600  RGB 5 x 150 each   Samyang lens 135mm @ f2.8   HEQ5 Bortle 8 - November 2020 Awarded an APOD on TSS Forum on 27.11.2020 

Northern Trifid NGC1579  

9 x 600 Lum30m RGB 2 subs of each @ 300secsWOZS71/Atik428EXED80/Atik460EXTaken at kelling Heath star partyTotal 2 hours Bortle 4 - September 2019

California nebula NGC1499 

Atik460EX and Samyang lens 135mm @ F2.8Ha 13 x 600, Red 5 x 300, Green 12 x 300Blue 12 x 300, HEQ5Total 4 1/2 hours
Bortle 4 - September 2020 

Dark Shark nebula LDN1235

1hour 40mins taken in 2019 with a WOZS71 scope.  6hours 15mins taken in 2020 with a Samyang 135mm f2.8 lens  Both with an Atik460EX                          Total imaging time 7hours 55minsBortle 4 - 2019 and 2020

Sh2-115 & Sh2-112

Taken from SE London - Bortle 8Atik460EX and Samyang 135mm @ f2.8Ha 18 x 600Oiii 3 x 300 + 2 x 450 + 10 x 600 (all binned)Sii 3 x 300 + 2 x 450 + 10 x 600 (all binned)(different length were as I was going along I realise I needed longer subs).Total 7 hours 42.5min
July 2020 

Lobster's Claw Sh2-157, Bubble NGC7635 and Cave Nebulae Sh2-155

Samyang 135MM @ F2.8 Atik460EX, Atik EFW2 Ha 15 x 600 + 3 x 300 ,  Oiii 9 x 300 binned, Sii 9 x 300 binned,  RGB for stars 3 x 150Total imaging time almost 4 3/4 hours

Bortle 8 July 2020  

Heart and Soul Nebulae  IC1805 and IC1848

Ha 11 x 600, Oiii 2 x 600 + 3 x 300 binnedSii 2 x 600 + 4 x 300 binnedSamyang 135mm lens @f2.8Atik460EX guided on HEQ5July 2020 Bortle 8

Awarded an APOD TSS on 4/8/2020

Flying Bat Sh2-129 and the Squid Nebula OU4

Ha 2 hours, Oiii (total 4 hours 10 mins Bortle 8) + 3 hours Bortle 4Atik460EX and Samyang 135mm F2 lens @ F2.8Total imaging time 9 hours 10minsJune 2020 - Bortle 8 

Awarded IOTD TSS Forum 

Butterfly Nebula and Cygnus

Samyang 135mm @  F2.8 Atik460EX Ha 900 x 8 & Ha 600 X 9 total Ha 3 1/2 hours, Oiii 9 x 300 binned (45m),  Sii 8 x 300 binned (40m)Total imaging time (over 2 nights) 6h 55mins or 7 hours as near as damn it.Bortle 8 - May 2020Awarded an APOD on 22.5.2020 TSS: 

Crescent Nebula NGC6888 and surroundings

SHO palette with added RGB stars Atik 460EX, Samyang 135mm F2 lens @ F2.8, Guided on HEQ5Ha 15 x 600secs (2 1/2 hours), Oiii 7 x 600 secs (1 hour 10 mins), Sii 8 x 600secs (1 hour 20mins), RGB 3 x 150secs Each 22.5 mins                          Total 5 hours 22.5 mins
June 2020 - Bortle 8
TOP PICK ON Astrobin

Cygnus Mosaic (4 panels)

Atik 460EX, Samyang 135mmCrescent panel: F2 lens @ F2.8 5 hours 22.5 mins, Sadr panel: Just under 7 hoursStitched with ICE (Image Composite Editor) (thanks for the tip Sigga)Grand total of 15h 17.5 mins


Bortle 8 - June 2020 

Below, 5th panel added June 2021 

Veil nebula complex

May 2020 from Bortle 8Samyang 135mm F2 lens stopped down to F2.8Atik460EX and Baader filtersHEQ5Ha 2 x 600secs + 6 x 900secsOiii 6 x 300secs binned + 3 x 600 unbinnedRGB 3 x 150 (each)Total imaging time 2hours 55mins (almost 3 hours) 
June 2020 - Bortle 8

North America and Pelican Nebulae

NGC7000 & IC5070 

Samyang 135mm F2.8, Atik 460EX, HEQ5Ha 16 x 600, Oiii 2 x 300 binned x 2 (clouds spoiled the other 6), Sii 6x 300 binned x 2RGB for stars 8 at 150secs eachTotal imaging time 4 hours 20minsMarch 2020 - Bortle 8

Flaming Star Nebula IC405 and the Tadpole Nebula IC410 (Mosaic)

My first 2 pane Mosaic.Grand total for the Mosaic = 4 hours 43.5 minsAtik460EX Baader 3nm Ha filter Baader RGB filters, WOZS71 and HEQ5, HaRHaGBBortle 8 - December 2019 

IC405 and IC410 + IC417

Same targets with wider field of view Taken from SE London UK Bortle 8  - Atik460EX and Samyang 135mm F2.8Ha 17 x 600 + Ha 4 x 900, Oiii 13 x 300 Binned x 2, Sii 13 x 300 Binned x 2, RGB 7 x 150 eachTotal 6h 32mins Taken over 2 eveningsMarch 2020 - Bortle 8

Cone and Christmas Tree nebulae

Taken from an astro chum's backyard in Bortle 6 since I have a big tree in the way at Home in Bortle 8.    HaRGBAtik460EX & WOZS71 HEQ5Ha 22 x 600, RGB 9 x 150secs binned eachTotal imaging time 5 3/4 hoursBortle 6 - January 2020 

TSS APOD 31/1/2020

Same image processed      in a red palette 

M42 Orion Nebula

Taken in my friends backyard where he has Bortle 6 skies opposed to my home Bortle 8 and does not have a dirty great tree in the way of Orion.Hutech Idas LP filter as Luminance 11 x 600Ha 7nm 11 x 600, RGB 24 x 150secs binned x 2  All with individual shorter subs for the coreTotal imaging time 6 hoursAtik460EX, WOZS71, HEQ5Bortle 6 - January 2020 

Crescent Nebula NGC6888

Ha 12 x 600, Oiii 7 x 300 binnedRGB stars R x 3, B x 4, G x 4 (all 150secs binned)Atik460EX & WOZS71 + FR x 0.8 HEQ5November 2018 Bortle 4


Dual Rig - Atik314L/WOZS71 & Atik460EX/ED80,  HEQ5Ha 29 x 600 = 4 hours 50mins  Oiii 17 x 600 binned + 5 x 300 = 3 hours 15 minsTotal imaging time = 8 hours 5minsAugust 2019 - Bortle 4

Sh2-232 (AKA Pumpkin Nebula)

Ha (Baader 3nm) 17 x 600 secs, Sii 13 x 600 binned, RGB stars 10 x 150 binned (each filter)Total imaging time 6 hours 15 mins.Atik460EX Baader filters, WO ZS71 with x0.8 FR, HEQ5December 2019 - Bortle 8

Bogeyman nebula LDN1622

Ha 12 x 600secs Baader 3nmRGB 3 x 300 binned per each channelAtik460EX, WO ZS71, HEQ5Published in Astronomy Now magazine January 2020December 2019 - Bortle 8Published in Astronomy Now Magazine in January 2020 

NGC7822 in Cepheus

Taken at Kelling Heath Star party Sept 2019Dual rig: ED80/Atik460EX                                    WO Zs71/Atik428EXTotal Ha 19 x 600secs half and half 7nm and 3nm Baader filters, Oiii 6 x 300, Sii 5 x 300Total 4 hours 5minsMapped SHO + some RGB starsOctober 2019 - Bortle 42.9.2020  APOD TSS Forum 

Jellyfish Nebula IC443

 (HaRGB)  3 hours Ha (Baader 3.5nm), 30mins Sii (binned 8nm), 35m RGB totalling, just over 4 hours.Skywatcher Esprit100 and Atik460EX on HEQ5 

Little Rosette Nebula HaRGB SH2-170

SWED80 & Atik428EX, HEQ5Ha 3 x 600 + Ha 12 x 900Red 5 x 300 binned x 2Green 7 x 300 binned x 2Blue 5 x 300 x 2 
August 2019 - Bortle 8

Rosette Nebula NGC2237 (the heart)

7 & 8th January 2019 - Ha 9 x 600secs, Oiii 5 x 300secs binned x 2, Sii 4 x 300secs binned x 2, RGB (stars only) 2h 30minsSW130PDS, Atik460EX, HEQ5, EQModI was planning to do a mosaic of this, but only got 2 panels done and have now sold my SW130PDS so it will never get finished as I only have refractors now.August 2019 - Bortle 8

IC1319 Butterly Nebula

WOZS71, Atik460EX, HEQ5Ha Both 7nm and 3nm combined (experiment) 22 x 600 in totalOiii 11 x 300 binned, Sii 12 x 300 BinnedStars, RGB 4 x 150 binned eachTotal 6hours 5 minsExperimental palette as I didn't like the results of any of the conventional ones, so this is SOH August 2019 - Bortle 8

Antares Region 

Taken over 2 different holidays in Spain:DSLR in 2017, Atik460EX Luminance only 2019 and combinedNifty 50 lens @ F3.5, DSLR approx 4 hours Lum 30 x 3mins + 16 x 2 mins combinedIoptron Skytracker (unguided)Still needs some improvement June 2017 & 2019 - Costa Del Sol Spain

Melotte 15 (Part of the Heart nebula)

Mapped SHOHa 8 x 900 + 1 x 600Oiii 6 x 300Sii 5 x 300WIPSW130PDS, NEQ6, Atik460
Bortle 8 - May 2019

Tulip Nebula Sh2-101

Hubble palette plus RGB starsAtik428EX & SWED120 + FR, Mount HEQ5Ha 3.5nm 15 x 600, Oiii & Sii binned 300 x 8 each, RGB 4 x 100 binned EachTaken at an Astro camp Bortle 4 May 2019 - Bortle 4

IC1871 Whirling Dervish (Part of the Soul nebula)

Data taken 3 years apart from SE London in March 2016 and Early 20192016 ED80 and Atik314L (3 hours Ha, 45m Oiii and 1hour Sii)2019 SW130PDS and Atik460EX (3 hours 20mins Ha, 1 hour Oiii, 1 hour Sii)Totals:  6 hours 20mins Ha, 1h 45mins Oiii2 hours Sii, Grand total 10 hours 5 minsMarch 2016 and early 2019 Bortle 8

Fish Head Nebula

Fish head nebula IC1795 (Part of the Heart Nebula)  11.2.2018

3 1/2 hours from Bortle 8

10 x 900secs Ha, 5 x 300secs Oiii & Sii

Skywatcher 130PDS, Atik460EX HEQ5 

December 2018 - Bortle 8

Elephant's Trunk Nebula IC1396

Ha 10 x 600 Atik428EX/WOZS71, Oiii from 2017 9 x 300 binned 460EX/WOZS71, RGB 10 x 300 binned Atik460EX/ED80, Dual Rig on HEQ5Combined as HOORGBTotal imaging time 3 1/4 hoursReprocessed December 2018 - Bortle 4


Atik460EX/ED80 or WOZS71Atik428EX/WOZS71 or ED80 Approx 5h 55mins in Luminance - most 600secs but some 300secs binned3 1/2 hours RGB - 300secs binned Grand total 9 hours 25 mins 
DEcember 2018 - Bortle 4  

Thor's helmet NGC2359

20 x 600 Ha, 17 x 600 OiiiAtik 460EX on WOZS71 and Atik428EX on ED80 both with FR x 0.8, HEQ5Total imaging time increased to 6h 10mNovember 2018 - Bortle 4

California Nebula


Ha 31 x 600secs, + Ha 4 x 900 secs              Sii 17 x 300secs binned x 2    (took Oiii but there was nothing there)So processed as HSSWO ZS71 and Atik460EX + FR x 0.8, HEQ5November 2018 - Bortle 8

Crescent Nebula NHC6888

Atik428EX & ED80 HEQ5Ha 10 x 600, Oiii 19 x 300 binned x 2, RGB stars added 4 x 150 binnedTotal imaging time 3h 45minsNovember 2018 - Bortle 4


Still a WIP, noisy as still trying to acquire sufficient data, but since it has already taken me 2 years to get this far I thought it was time to post it up.Kelling Heath in 2016 with the Atik314L & ED120 Then in Sept 2018 Using WO ZS71 & Atik460EX.Approx  2 - 3 hours in total.September 2018 and September 2016Bortle 4


Dual rig on HEQ5

Luminance WO71ZS & Atik314L + FR x 0.8 10 x 600secs, Luminance ED80 & Atik460EX + FR x 0.8 4 x 600, Ha 6 x 600, & RGB 4 x 200 each binned x 2

Total 4hours 20mins

July 2018 - Bortle 4

Cocoon Nebula IC5146

Dual Rig:  WOZS71/Atik314L + FR x 0.8 = Luminance 12 x 900ED80/Atik460EX + FR x 0.8 = LRGB - Lum 9 x 600,Red & Green 4 x 140 + 3 x 300 binned x 2, Blue 4 x 150 + 2 x 300 binned x 2Total Luminance = 4.4 hours, Total RGB 1h 10mGrand Total 5h 40m

Cocoon Nebula IC5146

Same image but cropped for "close up"
July 2018 - Bortle 4

VDB152 Dark Nebula

Luminance 8 x 600 14 x 600, 9 x 900RGB 3 x 200secs binned + RGB 5 x 300secs binned x 2 Total Luminance 5h 55m, total RGB 1h 43mGrand total 7 hours and 38 minutesJuly 2018 - Bortle 4

Pelican Nebula (Feature) IC5070 

13 x 900Ha, 6 x 300 binned Oiii and Sii

Atik314L and 130 PDSHEQ5  
April 2018 - Bortle 4

Spider Nebula IC417

HaRGBSW130PDS & Atik460EXHa 14 x 900Red 6 x 150secs binnedGreen 7 x 150secs binnedBlue 6 x 150secs binnedCaptured in Artesmis and processed in Astroart, Registar and Photoshop 
February 2018 - Bortle 8

Monkeyhead NGC2174

3 x 600Ha + 8 x 900 Haoiii 6 x 300 binnedSii 5 x 300 binnedMapped SHOAtik460EX, EFW2, HEQ5Skywatcher 130PDS and Baader coma corrector 
February 2018 - Bortle 8


Mapped HOS and combined with RGB for star colour. 
Bortle 8 - January 2018

Horsehead Nebula IC434

Ha 21 x 900secs + 10 x 600secs - Almost 7 hoursRGB 32 x 150 binned total 1hour 20minsGrand total 8 1/4 hoursSW130PDS & Atik460EX, HEQ5 

Bortle 8 - December 2017

M1 Crab Nebula

Atik314L and SW130PDSHa 8 x 600secsOiii 17.5 mins 300 secs binned and unbinnedSii 12.5 mins 300secs binned and unbinnedTotal 2 hours 

November 2017 - Bortle 8

Lobster's Claw 

WOZS71 & Atik460EX, HEQ5Ha 4 x 600, Oiii 4 x 150 binned, Sii 4 x 150 binned. SHO - 1 hour in total 
November 2017 - Bortle 4

Seagull Nebula IC2177

WOZS71 & Atik460EX  HEQ5Ha 600 x 17 secs (2h 50mins), Oiii & Sii 9 x 150secs binnedTotal 3 hours 35mins
October 2017 - Bortle 4
Awarded an AAPOD on 16/7/2018Also TOP PICK on Astrobin

M78 in Orion

WO ZS71 & Atik 460EXLum 11 x 600Ha 12 x 600RGB 11 x 150 each binned x 2 
October 2017 - Bortle 4

M78 close up

Combined data from 2 different years. Dual rig in A: WOZS71 + FR x 0.8/ Atik314LB: SW ED80 + FR x 0.8/ Atik460A: 12 x 600 LumB: 9 x 600 (no filter)+ RGB data from Kelling Heath approx 4 x 300secs eachBortle 4 2017 and 2015

The Witches Broom AKA The Western Veil Nebula NGC6960 

Combination of data taken in July 2011 with modified Canon 450D 18 x 5mins and data taken July 2013 with Atik383L Ha 900 x 14 secs 
July 2011 & July 2013 - Bortle 8

Cave Nebula Sh2 - 155

Data from 2017 and 20202017 using my dial rig of ED80/Atik460EX & WOZS71/Atik314LHa 1 hour and RGB only 12.5 minutes2020 Samyang 135mm and Atik460EXHa 15 x 600secs (3 hours)Total imaging time approx 3 3/4 hours in totalOct 2017 Bortle 4 and JUly 2020 Bortle 8

Trifid Nebula M20

Lum 7 x 600secsRed 9 x 150secs Binned x 2Green 6 x 150 secs Binned x 2Blue 12 x 150secs binned x 2ED120 + FR x0.8, Atik314LMay 2017 - Bortle 4

Bubble Nebula NGC7635

Kelling Heath over 2 years.Ha 9 x 900secs April 2015, Ha 4 x 900secs Sept 2016, Ha 3 x 600 & 1` x 900 Sept 2016, Oiii 10 x 300 & 3 x 300 binned x 2 Sept 2016, Sii 9 x 300 & 3 x 300 binned x 2 Sept 2016Atik314 & HEQ5, Skywatcher ED120 and WO FR x 0.8, Mapped HOSTotal 6 1/4 hoursApril 2015 & September 2016 Bortle 4Selected as Astronomy Now Magazine Calendar 2018 (November)

Tadpole Nebula IC410

Using two scopes and cameras as a dual rig.a) Atik314L+ and WOZS71 + x0.8 FR              b) Atik460EX and ED80 + x0.8 FRHa 31 x 600secs (a = 14 x 600, b = 17 x 600), Oiii 16 x 600secs (a = 2 x 600, b = 16 x 600), Sii 13 x 600 (a)Grand Total 10 hours.January 2016 - Bortle 8

Pacman Nebula - NGC281

Dual rig:  Atik460 & WOZS71,                    Atik 314 & ED80(was supposed to be cameras other way round but that's what you get for being out of practice)Ha from 2014 also addedAugust 2016 - Bortle 4

Wizard Nebula NGC7380

Ha 22 x 600secs, Oiii 4 x 600 secs, Sii 7 x 600secsTaken with dual Rig over 3 nights.ED80 & Atik314, ED120 & Atik460HEQ5September 2015 - Bortle 4

M27 + Outer Halo

Ha 2 x 30mins & 2 x 20 minsRGB 2 x 15mins binned x 2Now Oiii added in latest revision 
2 locations in 2014 - Bortle 4

POW Astronomy Shed 30/8/2015

Also chosen for the OAS Calendar 2016

The Eastern Veil NGC6995

Bicolour Ha, Oiii, OiiiAtik314, Skywatcher ED1209 x 1200secs each filterNEQ6
July 2014 - Bortle 8

North America Nebula (The Wall)

First light for my SW130PDS/ Atik460EXHa 5 x 15 + 2 x 500secs, Oiii 3 x 150secs binned x 2, Sii 4 x 150 secs binned x 2November 2016 - Bortle 8

Melotte 15

Ha 9 x 900 secsOiii & Sii each 7 x 450 secs binnedAtik 314L & SW 150PNEQ6November 2016 - Bortle 8

Rosette Nebula NGC2244

Ha 9 x 600, Oiii 12 x 600, Sii 5 x 600Atik383L/ WO ZS71 APOFebruary 2014 - Borte 8Chosen for the OAS calendar 2015 and also for Astronomy Now front cover November 2014 Also AAPOD 11/2/2014

Rosette Nebula 

Published on the Front cover of Astronomy Now 

M42 Orion Nebula 

26 x 5mins 800 isoModified Canon 450D CLS filterCaptured in APT with dithering on NEQ6
15th & 19th December 2011 Bortle 8 Published in the September 2012 edition of Astronomy Now

Iris Nebula NGC7023

Luminance 12 x 900secs, Red 4 x 600secs, Green 3 x 600 secs, Blue 6 x 600secs,Atik11000, Takahashi FSQ106N and Mount Tak EM200, Baader filtersTaken by me, using Olly's kit at Les Granges, Provence, France August 2013 - Bortle

Praying Ghost VDB141

Luminance 12 x 900secs, Red 4 x 600secs, Green 3 x 600 secs, Blue 6 x 600secs,Atik11000, Takahashi FSQ106N and Mount Tak EM200, Baader filtersTaken by me, using Olly's kit at Les Granges, Provence, France August 2013 - Bortle

Sagittarius Trio 

27 x 600secs LRGB Baader filters

Atik11000, Takahashi FSQ106N and Mount Tak EM200

Taken by me, using Olly's kit at Les Granges, Provence, France August 2013 - Bortle

Helix Nebula NGC7293

Atik11000, Takahashi FSQ 106N @ F5Mount: Takahashi EM200 and Baader filtersData: Lum 11 x 600, Red 8 x 600, Green 6 x 600, Blue 5 x 600Taken by me, using Olly's kit at Les Granges, Provence, France August 2013 - Bortle

Helix Nebula 

Same image with Ha Added Ha 19 x 600Taken by me, using Olly's kit at Les Granges, Provence, France August 2013 - Bortle

Rosette Nebula 

My first decent image taken with my DSLR Canon 450D
Taken on 8th and 9th January 2011 Bortle 8
On May 2011 - placed 2nd in the UKAI Imaging competition.

Rosette Nebula 

Same image with Ha added was shown on TV on star Gazing Live January 2013

IC417 the Spider and the Fly Nebulae

Skywatcher Esprit100 and Atik460EX Baader filters (Ha is 3.5nm)HaRGBHa 23 x 600 (3h 50m)Red 6 x 200 & 4 x 150 binned (30m)Green 5 x 200 & 3 x 150 binned (24m)Blue 6 x 200 & 4 x 150 (30m)
Total usable imaging time 5 hours 14 mins 
29th/30th March 2021 - Bortle 8Full Moon

M27 Dumbbell Nebula

An early image Skywatcher ED120 ProModified Canon EOS 450D with CLS filter3 x 3.5min subs 800 ISO with Canon UtilityPlus 10 x 5mins 800 ISOShorter subs pm 21st because of intermittent cloud.21st & 22nd May 2011

Ring Nebula M57

15 x 5mins Modified DSLR 450DEarly image 21st & 22nd May 2011 

Sh2-126 Gecko Nebula 

Atik460EX and William Optics ZS71 on HEQ5Idas filter (Lum) 450sec subs x 32  = 4 hours, Ha 6 x 600 secs RGB total of 1 hour combined (binned), Taken over 3 nights Total imaging time 6 hours.
Would still like to try it at a darker location at some point.