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M101 Galaxy AKA The Pinwheel Galaxy

Lum 3h 40minsRGB 40minsTotal 4h 20mins 
ED80 Atik460EXED72 Atik460EX Taken from Cairds campsite Bortle 4

Markarian Chain

Combined data from 2011 and 2020 (Bortle 8)2011 28 x 5mins Modified canon 450D Blacklands and Herstmonceux2020 Atik460EX, LRGB WOZS71Lum 14 x 600 RGB 5 x 150secs binned (each)Total imaging time 5h 15mins  
May 2020 - Bortle 8


Taken from Swanley Backyard Bortle 6.Luminance 600 x 12, Ha 600 x 4  RGB total of 40mins in 150sec subs binned x 2Needs a lot more data, but ran out of time at this location and it was 5am in the morning.  Atik428EX, ED80 and HEQ5January 2020 - Bortle 6 


Short clear sky window at Astro camp location.   2 hours 55 mins (of which 1 hour 40mins luminance)  SWED120 & Atik428EX.  Baader filters LRGB 

March 2019 - Borlte 8

M33 Galaxy in Triangulum

Local Astro camp in East SussexDual Rig:  Mount: HEQ5WOZS71/Atik314L + FR x 0.8 : 13 x 600 + 4 x 900 Luminance + 5 x 600 HaSWED80/Atik460EX + FR x 0.8 : RGB:Grand total = 5 hours 27minutesTaken over 2 nightsJuly 2018 - Bortle 4

M81 & M82 + IFN

Crop from M81 M82 image     Luminance: 900 x 4, 600 x 6, 300 x 3Various lengths to attempt IFN and preserve core of M81,  RGB 3 x 150 secs binned (each), Ha 3 x 900secsSkywatcher 130PDS & Atik460EX, HEQ5April 2018 - Bortle 4

M82 Cigar Galaxy

Crop from M81 M82 image     Luminance: 900 x 4, 600 x 6, 300 x 3

Various lengths to attempt IFN and preserve core of M81,  RGB 3 x 150 secs binned (each), Ha 3 x 900secs

Skywatcher 130PDS & Atik460EX, HEQ5

April 2018 - Bortle 4

POW Astronomy Shed 5th October 2014

M81  + IFN

Crop from M81 M82 image     Luminance: 900 x 4, 600 x 6, 300 x 3Various lengths to attempt IFN and preserve core of M81,  RGB 3 x 150 secs binned (each), Ha 3 x 900secsSkywatcher 130PDS & Atik460EX, HEQ5April 2018 - Bortle 4


Only 1 1/2 hours due to lack of clear skies at a dark location.Lum 4 x 600, RGB 3 x 150secs each binned, Ha 3 x 600secsSkywatcher ED120 & Atik314L + FR x 0.8
April 2016 - Bortle 4

Sombrero Galaxy 

Taken at SGL Star party March 2016ED120 & Atik314L + FR x 0.8Lum 8 x 600secsRGB 4 x 300secs eachTotal 2 hours 20 minsMarch 2016 - Bortle 4

M31 Andromeda Galaxy

Combination of data from 3 different years.Colour is from Sept 2011 with DSLR - travellerLuminance is from August 2013 - Astro campsiteHa is from January 2014 - Backyard SE LondonRe-processed October 2015 
August 2013 - Bortle 4 

M51 Whirlpool Galaxy

Taken from Cairds Camp site East sussexLRGB with Atik314L and ED120 on HEQ5900 x 4 + 600 x 4 luminanceRGB 6 x 300 secs each binned x 2Stacked in Astroart and processed in Photoshop 
April 2014 - Bortle 4

Leo Triplet

Taken during Coronavirus lockdown, so stuck in Bortle 8.Horrible sky gradients, so decided to combine with data taken several years ago with a DSLR to smooth out the background.2012 = 24 x 5mins with Modified Canon 450D2020 = Atik428EX and ED80 Baader Hutech LPF, LRGB 6h 40 minsMaking total of 8h 40mins
Data from both 2020 and 2012 combined.