College Day 2021


Good morning / afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to ASRJC College Day 2021. Thank you for making time to join us in this very special College Day, held in a way never before. Though not able to be physically present, we are truly glad you are able to join us online to share the joys of award winners.

On this day, we celebrate the achievements of our students from the Classes of 2019 and 2020. Special mention has to be made of the Class of 2019, the pioneer batch of ASRJC who has set a high benchmark for subsequent generations of ASR students to emulate and aspire to. We also want to acknowledge the achievements of the Class of 2020 that despite the Covid-19 situation, rose to the challenge and done the College proud. To these two batches, thank you and congratulations.

We also want to honour you, parents, for what that you have done. Through the gruelling two years in Junior College, very few students would have made it thus far without parents’ invaluable support and comfort. Thank you, parents, for being a part of our success.

The theme of College Day 2021 is Imagine. Create. Inspire.

These three words embody a lifelong process of learning and encapsulate the experience of all ASR students especially those who will receive acknowledgement for their wonderful achievements this morning / afternoon.

On entering ASR these students do so with hopes and ambitions of what their future will be. They imagine, after their time in College, where they will be on completing their two years of study in ASR. Then begins the hard work, the creation. Study, growth to maturity, CCA and community involvement in order to build the platform to make reality what they had imagined.

Today as we congratulate our ASR students on their achievements, we hope they will inspire those who follow. Through their experiences at ASR they are prepared for the next life stage where the process will begin all over again and they will continue to build on the success, gained through their hard work and sacrifice in ASR.

They will continue to Imagine. Create. Inspire.

The design for College Day 2021 was done by Au Wan Ching (21/05), Vice-President of our Visual Arts Club.

The book represents the ASR experiences that each of our graduates has and how these experiences shaped them as they go through their ASR journey.
Imagine: The fire (created from the college crest infused with the house colours) represents the future that our graduates imagine as they move into a new phase of their lives.
Create: The key represents our graduates taking initiative to create opportunities to open doors leading to future successes.
Inspire: Through these successes, we hope that our graduates can inspire the community around them (represented by the hearts) to pursue their own dreams and turn these dreams into reality.

The Address by the Principal to the Class of 2019

The Address by the Principal to the Class of 2020

24 April 2021
24 Apr 2021