
For the Class of 2019, the Valedictorian is OAKAR MIN from 19/08.

Oakar Min was a House Captain in the 1st Students’ Council and he possessed strong leadership qualities. He played a key role in the creation and coordination of the 4 House identities for our newly merged College, led various teams such as support for CCAs participating in the National Schools Games and AJ Reignite, and was the emcee for Orientation 2019.

Oakar led with clarity in his purpose, charisma and maturity. He was able to rally those around him towards the vision that he had for any project that he was in charge of. He was also critical in providing clarity in discussions and in managing conflicts within his team because of his innate ability to see the bigger picture and manage opposing views and internal conflicts.

While he was an individual who was able to command the respect of his peers, Oakar was also sensitive, humble and had a strong sense of empathy. He was always mindful of the well-being of his peers and desired to bring out the best in them.

All of the above traits provide good reason that Oakar received the SUTD Undergraduate Merit Scholarship and is also the President of the ASR Alumni.

Valediction by Oakar