Slack is the mode of real-time communication used by VRI interpreters at ANY VRI. All newly on-boarded interpreters should receive an email with instructions on how to access the Slack channel or channels for which they have been approved. If you have not yet received this email, please notify Angie at angie@any.vri.

Slack Chat is used to announce arrival and departure and breaks. Check Slack every time you sign in to ensure that you are not in the snooze mode, or your alerts will not be audible. (Click on your name at the top, then click on "set yourself to active." Then click the bell at top right and click "Resume notifications.")

Be sure to announce breaks, even if you don't expect to be gone more than a minute or two. It is important that the agent on duty knows where you are if a call comes in while you are away.

Do not initiate long conversations on the chat channel, as this is used to announce arrival and departure, etc. If you need to message an individual for any reason, please use the direct message feature. To do so, click on "Direct Messages," begin typing in name to search, choose name, then click on "Go" to begin typing your message). If the individual has set their notifications to pause, you can click on "send notification anyway" and then wait for a reply.

REMEMBER: Slack VRI_alert channel is for call-related messages ONLY (see VRI Best Practices)

Recommended Activity: Sign in to Slack and introduce yourself to the team ON CHAT CHANNEL ONLY.