Benefits & Professional Development

Member Benefits

 Connections with other Alabama Librarians

 Access to up-to-date professional development

 Advocacy at state and national level

Professional Development

As a member of ASLA, you will have access to relevant professional development for school library media specialists.

ASLA collaborates with the Alabama State Department of Education, Alabama Library Association (ALLA), and other professional organizations to bring webinars and other professional development for school librarians across the state.

ASLA hosts the following professional development opportunties:

  • Annual Summer Conference
  • New Librarians Conference (every three years)
  • EdCamp ASLA
  • Webinars in conjunction with other organizations

Looking for relevant, convenient PD opportunities? AASL webinars are free, easy, and open to ALL. Learn about author involvement, AASL Best Websites for Teaching and Learning, extending your e-book budget, the new national standards, and more! Visit the AASL website for more information!