2020-21 YEllowHammer Awards

2020-21 Yellowhammer Book Award Winner

The Inheritnce Games

by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Knives Out for teens! This quick-paced, dramatic “Rags to Riches” mystery has a little bit for every reader. With its brilliant storytelling and enriched vocabulary, this story is a great genre-defying book to enhance curricular ELA literacy standards for grades 9-12 as well as support Character Education and Digital Citizenship lessons. Readers will demand the sequel immediately upon finishing.

2020-21 Yellowhammer Honor Books

Clap When You Land

by Elizabeth Acevedo

This novel-in-verse brings a real historical plane crash to life through powerful descriptions, lyrical poetry, and immersive imagery. Authentic Dominican culture weaves through the alternating points of view, creating many teachable themes that connect to ELA and Social Studies standards. With its exploration of friendships, families, and romance, this Own Voices story will connect readers to the heart of what it means to love.


by Jason Reynolds & Ibram X. Kendi

American history told in a narrative voice, Stamped makes difficult topics accessible to secondary students through excellent research and the use of teen language. This nonfiction title can be used to support ELA informational-text reading standards as well as 10th and 11th grade American history standards, making this a great potential choice for cross-curricular collaborations.

Committee Members:

Kat Baxter, Dawn Dixon, Laura Graves Massey, Ginger Hewitt, Julia Morrobel, Anna Moulton, Heather Overstreet, Jennifer Powell, Jennifer Speigner, Melissa Summerford, & Karen Scott (Chair).