
An enthusiastic robotics graduate with a drive for multidisciplinary research and a background in data analytics. Has significant experience working in the fields of robotics, embedded systems, 3D CAD, electronics and machine learning. This was further complemented by data analytics and software development projects undertaken at Mu Sigma. Currently, involved in the Robotics Masters program at Oregon State University and working as a part of the Share lab, to improve the the quality of mobility training for disabled children.

Projects and Research Work

Has built a large number of projects in the last decade covering electronics, embedded systems, robotics, data analysis, machine learning, aeroponics and 3D printing (see projects section). Currently am the principal developer involved in the design and fabrication of the infant reward stack (shown left) that can provide light, sound and bubble rewards to motivate infants to learn to use powered mobility tasks better. Studies involving the same are underway.

Work Experience

Worked as a developer and data analyst with Mu Sigma, Bangalore from 18th Feb, 2017 till 24th Feb, 2017. Undertook several challenging tasks there involving machine learning, software development, infographics, documentation and data analytics for several high profile clients. Also, helped tutor members of the team and automate redundant tasks when possible. Currently working part-time at OSU.

Publications and Presentations

Has taken up several sessions on robotics and image processing, the most prominent being that during the Singularity – Robotics and Automation conference, 2017 held in Technopark, Kerala. Other minor sessions were held during techno-cultural festivals (Drishti and Aagneya) and the inauguration of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, CET, Thiruvananthapuram. Has a paper published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters along with Aidan Phillips and Dr. Naomi Fitter - "May I Draw Your Attention? Initial Lessons from the Large-Scale Generative Mark Maker"