Associated Student Membership
Unlock all the perks of being a Miramar Student
Would you like access to Associated Student Member-only scholarships, free admission to select events, and lots of other FREE GOODIES, like scantrons, school supplies, apparel, swag bags & give-aways, plus free food and beverages (during specified events)?
The Associated Student Government (ASG) is the student governance body for San Diego Miramar College. The ASG offers students the opportunity to participate in college governance, develop leadership skills, encourage civic engagement such as voter registration drives, and coordinate on-campus and virtual events. Your student government can only accomplish these goals and more by collecting a one-time $8 fee from each student.
This fee, known as your Associated Student Membership fee, grants you all the benefits of being an Associated Student at San Diego Miramar College. At most colleges and universities, AS Membership fees are mandatory and can be as high as $300 or more! But here at Miramar College, affordability is the name of the game, which is why our students are only asked to pay $8 for the year. We want to offer the best college experience to our peers as we can, so please opt-in to being a member of the Associated Students. Thank you!
If you're having trouble, contact the Student Accounting Office to pay your AS Membership Fee today!
Call: 619-388-7326
In-person: K1-205
M–Th: 8am–6pm and F: 8am–1pm