Sustainable Fashion

Designers:Christina, Van-Fy, Tiana

Welcome Video

Hello! This is our welcome video! You can watch this video to see how our page works! We did some changes, but we are sure it's still understandable!

Video Christina Alida R 6_1_2021 9_41_30 AM

Welcome to our page!

Hello everyone! Welcome to the sustainable fashion page! Our central idea is " Designer’s up-cycle old clothes into new sustainable clothing for people in need"

Our 3 lines of inquiry are:

  • Materials and fabrics for clothing design

  • Fashions impact on the environment

  • Designing clothes for people in need

Do you want to know more about our topic? Go check out our other website!

Mother Tongues

Chinese translation

Made by: Van-Fy Liu

French Translation

Made by: Tiana Fanomezana

Malagasy Translation

Made by: Christina Alida Rakotonirina

Malagasy Translation

Made by: Christina Alida Rakotonirina

Malagasy Translation

Made by: Christina Alida Rakotonirina

Why we chose this topic...


The reason why I chose this topic because: I chose this topic because ever since I was a little girl I loved wearing makeup and trying on poofy dresses. I also really want to open my own brand when I grow up!


The reason why I chose this topic because:

I already live in a sustainable lifestyle at home by; using green energy ( solar panel ) and we are composting on our kitchen waste. Since I love fashion, I want to learn more about Sustainable Fashion and how I can make it part of my life.

Van Fy

The reason why I chose this topic because: I think it is a really interesting topic to talk about because clothes are really important and we see them everywhere and you wear them and it is the 2 biggest water polluters in the world and I want to inform people about that so they can take action with us. I learned that some people don’t have clothes and that some clothes materials are very bad for the environment.

The clothes we made!

Linen Skirt

small vest top

flower shirt

Linen Shirt

* thick fabric* skirt

T shirt * different fabric on each side*

The other side of the shirt

Sketches we made...

Drop Off Donation

  1. Fast Fashion

2. Sustainable fabrics

3. Sustainable Clothes/ Designers

The first thing to think about when designing clothes for people with disabilities or homeless people is to get to know their wants and needs. ( Jackets with zippers are hard for people with disabilities ) To get to know their wants and needs you can use the design cycle. Empathizing is the first step and that is just to understand your target's feelings and wants and needs like if your target gets usually cold you can probably give a blanket. Define is the second step, basically it's just being very specific about the problem you want to solve ( Mine is designing sustainable clothes for people in need) . Ideate is the third step of the design cycle, ideate is brainstorming solutions and ideas, my group's solution was up-cycling and designing clothes. . Prototype is the fourth step, which means you design your first object or solution, we designed clothes that were suitable for the homeless.. The last step of the design cycle is Test, basically is improving and testing out your products.

We hope that that information was clear and exciting!

You can help us by...

We want to give thanks to all these people who helped us during this PYPx.

Mrs Feno ( Our Mentor/ Van-Fy's mother )

We would like to thank her for the amazing tips and she made us feel strong and confident! So thank you Mrs Feno!!

Mrs. Nadia (Cyrine's mom)

We would like to thank her because she really helped us on our question about donating and orphans. She made us feel confident on what we are doing. Gave us some amazing tips.

Mrs. Holly

We would like to thank Mrs.Holly for giving her time so that we could have an interview with her and for her stunning tips/amazingly pure heart and kindness.

Mrs Mina ( Christina's mom ) We want to thank her because she's always there to make us laugh and feel encouraged everyday!

Mr Julien ( Tiana's Dad ), We wanted to thank him because, he helped us a lot and gave us a lot of feedback & ideas. Those ideas were very specific and helpful. <3

Mrs Cindy ( Our Teacher ) , We wanted to thank Mrs.Cindy for always doing weekly check ins and tried her best to be a great teacher.

Mrs Emma ( Our Other Teacher ), We wanted to thank Mrs.Emma, for helping us for what we need and trying her best to be an amazing teacher!

Go check out our Quiz

Click present and test your knowledge on Sustainable Fashion

Click on the link and you can find all our work and the actions we took!

This is where we scheduled and planned all the action and other things we were supposed to do throughout the exhibition! :D

Hello everyone! We hoped you liked our site. Thank you so much for your participation! We really appreciate it and if you want to find out more information, make sure to check out our site!!! You can give some feedback on there and ask some questions!!!

Have an amazing day!!!

-Tiana, Christina, Vanfy

Click here to play our quiz!

Remember to take our quiz so that we can know more about what you learned and if you know a lot of information and take action yourself! * You will be displayed on our website if you had the most knledge

Contact us!

You can contact us if:

  • You have questions

  • You did some activities

